University of Virginia Library

Ruggers Host Alumni Sunday


Pacing Defensive Line Is Stalwart Performer Randy Lestyk

Trying To Contain Quarterback Steve Goepel Is Duty Of Defenders

Highlighting the Virginia Rugby
Club's fall season is this weekend's
Openings competition. Four regular
matches are set Sunday, plus the
alumni return to do battle once
again on the Nameless pitch.

Saturday night starts the alumni
rolling as they'll go to Alumni Hall
for an evening of comradely and
cocktails. Only ruggers, their dates,
alumni, and a few school administrators
are invited to the affair.

Sunday's action on the field
finds the A and C sides tangling
with squads from Penn State. The
Turques (B) and D teams are pitted
against Old Dominion University.

Preceding the weekend's frolics
will be the start of a raffle. Tickets
will be sold throughout the dormitory
complex Thursday night. The
drawing will take place on November
25. At that time the prizes will
be awarded. Among the "goodies"
is a gift certificate from one of the
local merchants.

Proceeds from the traffic will be
used to help fund the Club's tour of
Nassau next spring. Last year the
Club toured the British Isles and
played some of the English sides.


Offensive Center Dan Ryscek Anchors Virginia's Front Wall

Dan And Friends Will Tangle With Colgate's Red Raiders Saturday