University of Virginia Library

Sports Notes


Due to the large crowd expected
for the Army game, Larry Stanley,
University Ticket Manager, has announced
that all tickets for the
October 17 game will be reserved.
This includes student seating as well
as the general public. Students who
plan to attend the game are asked
to follow the subsequent procedures.
Take your valid University
Identification to the ticket office in
University Hall, Mincer's Pipe
Shop, or the main desk in Newcomb
Hall where you may obtain a
game ticket - free, of course. For
entrance to the game you will need
the game ticket along with your
I.D. card. If you wish to purchase a
date ticket or a guest ticket, be sure
to do so at the same time that you
pick up your own ticket. If you do
not then your date might end up
sitting in another part of the stadium.
Then again, that might not
be so bad.

For fraternity block seating,
each house should send a brother
with the necessary I.D. cards to
pick up all the tickets at the same
time. This will insure your
fraternity block seating. For the
convenience of Cavalier fans, there
will be extra stations on the
Grounds at which these tickets may
be obtained. These locations will be
announced later. This whole arrangement
was made necessary by the
University's commitment to the
Army for contiguous seating. It is
hoped this will not be too much of
an inconvenience for U.Va. students.


Memorial Gymnasium

HOURS: Monday and
Wednesday 1:00 P.M. 2:00

Fridays Noon 2:00 P.M. 7:00
9:00 P.M.

Saturdays - 2:00 - 5:00
P.M. (Not on weekends of home
football games)

Sundays - 2:00 - 5:00 P.M.

ELIGIBILITY: Restricted to University
of Virginia students, administrative
staff and faculty members.
Any member of the above group
may bring a guest for $50 each
swimming session. A faculty member
may bring members of his
immediate family without charge,
providing that he accompanies
them. Staff and students must pay
for swimming privileges for their
immediate family.

Effective Friday 9/25


There will be an organizational
meeting of the Virginia
Bowling Club this Thursday,
September 24 at 7 P.M. in room
4A, Newcomb Hall.


The University of Virginia
Sailing association will hold its
first meeting of the year tonight
in room 4B in Newcomb Hall.
The new Coronado 15's ordered
last year have arrived and are in
the water at Lake Monticello.
These sailboats, used by the
UCLA sailing team, will be available
to all Virginia Sailing
Assoc. members. The Association
is open to any member of
the University student body,
faculty or staff who is interested
in sailing or learning to sail.
Anyone interested should
attend tonight.




1. Entry deadlines for High
Point League

Touch Football

3-Man Basketball
Sigma Delta Psi
are all due by 4:00 P.M. Friday
September 25th. Also due on
this date is the charter roster
for each fraternity. This should
include all individuals that are
eligible to compete for you.

2. Entry deadlines for
Independent Leagues

Ind. "A" Touch Football

Ind. "A" 3-Man Basketball

Ind. "A" Tennis
are all due by 4:00 P.M. Friday
October 2nd.

3. Eligibility rules for each
league and other information
may be obtained by calling the
Intramural Department at 924


Any students who are interested
in being student trainers
should apply to Joe Gieck, Head
Trainer, at 924-3061. Those
with previous experience are


Panos Eliades wants you! The
Virginia crew is seeking new
oarsmen and coxwains for the
1971 rowing season. Freshmen
and upperclassmen are encouraged
to try out for the team,
whether they have rowing experience
or not. If you are
interested be at Memorial Gym
Monday at 4 p.m.