University of Virginia Library


By Randy
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer


Hunter Hollar Pitched The Cavaliers To A 6-3 Win Yesterday

Old Dominion Provided The Victim As Virginia Won Number 17

Jumping on Monarch starter
Jack Baker for four runs in the
bottom of the first, Virginia's
diamond squad flashed past.
Old Dominion by a 6-3 count
in an error-filled contest at
Lambeth Field. The outburst
in the initial frame proved to
be all that was needed as
Hunter Hollar and Brian
Hilburn combined to limit
ODU hitters to four safeties.

Second baseman Bill Hall
opened the festivities by
reaching first on an error in
front of Steve Bryant's single
and Mike Cubbage, who was
awarded first for catcher's
interference. Robbin Marvin
walked to push in one run and
Craig Wagner's single knocked
in another. Baker's throw to
the plate to get Cubbage was
wild and he scored.

Old Dominion picked up a
run in the top of the third as
shortstop John Bickford scored
from second on a teammate's
single. With the Cavaliers
rolling up goose eggs in the
bottom of the third, the
Monarchs came into the fourth
trailing 4-1. Dave White
doubled just fair down the line
to move Glenn Simpson to
third from where he scored on
catcher Sam Beale's wild
throw. White then crossed the
plate as Marvin also threw
poorly in an attempt to nip
him at third.

Virginia came back with a
run in the bottom of the
fourth as Charlie Williams,
running for Beale, who
doubled, scored on Terry Dan's
double. Hollar, who pitched
without his usually good
control was relieved in the
seventh by Hilburn with men
on first and second and one
out. Hilburn managed to get
the Monarch batsman to hit
into an inning ending double

Old Dominion did not score in
the last five innings but did have
several base runners by virtue of
bases on balls. In the seventh
inning, "Bear" Bryant led off with
a free pass to advance to second on
Cubbage's single. Trying to make
second base, Cubbage was caught in
a rundown between first and
second. Bryant, heading for third,
wisely took advantage of the
Monarchs' preoccupations and
steamed for home, sliding in under
the catcher's tag. Cubbage made it
back to first but was later nailed for
stealing second.

Tom Blackburn walked to open
the Cavalier eighth and advanced to
third on two groundouts, but died
on base. In the ninth, Hilburn put
the visitors down in order,
including two strikeouts, to end the

Virginia batters rapped out eight
hits and were aided by four ODU
miscues to set down the in-state
rivals. Beale collected a single and a
double to lead the ball club along
with Bryant, who had two singles
in three trips.