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Yellow Jackets Whip Cavaliers, 72-49

Cavaliers Slow Down Stalls,
Case Scores 13, Gerry Nets 12

By Hugh Antrim
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Virginia's slow-down, pattern offense
was rendered ineffective in the second
half as the Cavaliers dropped a 49-72 decision
to the Yellow Jackets of Georgia Tech.

Only an estimated crowd of 2,500 turned
out in Alexander Coliseum to witness the
opener for both teams. Coach Bill Gibson
went right to his ball control attack, and in
the early going the Cavaliers kept pace with
Tech. With less than four minutes left in the
first half, Virginia trailed only by three,
13-16, but a flurry of Georgia Tech baskets
coupled with ill-timed lost possessions
cost Virginia a 24-13 halftime

Captain Chip Case led the
Cavaliers in first half scoring with
six points, followed by Bill Gerry's
five. Virginia could manage but a
37 field goal percentage in the first
half, as Tech's Rich Yunkus held a
hot hand with 13 first half points.

The patterned offense, likely to
be the style of Virginia's play all
season, was in evidence in the
second period, but a pressing
Yellow Jacket defense provoked
Cavalier errors, and helped Tech
open up a substantial 18 point lead,
46-28, with 11:22 left in the game.

It was Rich Yunkus, a 6-9
junior, who led the way for Georgia
Tech with 20 points, along with Bill
Mayer, who pumped in 13 of his 18
points in the second half.

Tech pushed out to a 27 point
lead with 0:42 seconds left, but
two quick tallies by John Hill left
the final score at 72-49.

The Virginia eagers play next at
Durham, North Carolina, against a
perennially powerful Duke five,
Saturday, before completing their
initial road trip against
Pennsylvania at Philadelphia,
December 9.

Joyce Quits

Tom Joyce, a 6-2,
185-pounder from Huntington,
New York, was scheduled to start
in Atlanta last night, but decided
Thanksgiving Day to withdraw
from the team, and apparently
from school as well.

Joyce has left Charlottesville to
join a basketball team touring
Europe, a team sponsored by TWA.
According to Coach Bill Gibson,
"Tom came to me Thanksgiving
morning and told me he had
received a call from John Gidding
[varsity player from last season's
squad] asking him if he would like
to join the team since one of their
regular guards was getting married.
I tried to tell him that he should
remain in school and get his
education and so did his family, but
he said he wanted to do this."

Joyce's departure seemingly
leaves Kevin Kennelly and Chip
Miller at the guard positions.


Photo by Richard Wright

Captain Chip Case Led Cavalier Cagers With 13 Points