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Set 7 Records For W&M

Ron Good Given Swimming Post

By Winston Wood

Director of Athletics Steve Sebo
has announced that former William
& Mary swimming great Ron Good
has been named as the new Varsity
swimming coach. Mr. Good replaces
Ralph Law who resigned his post in
August to teach in the
Charlottesville Public School

Graduating from William &
Mary in 1965, Mr. Good left behind
him a string of outstanding
achievements. He was undefeated in
dual meet competition during his
third and fourth years, participating
in at least three or four events in
each meet. He was an NCAA
All-American swimming team
nominee, and in his fourth year
received the President's Award,
given annually to the most
outstanding athlete at William &
Mary. He was a Southern
Conference champion in no less
than seven events.

Since his graduation he has
coached on the high school level
both here in Virginia and in
Pennsylvania. The swimming teams
that he has coached have all been
undefeated, although as of this
printing the exact statistics are not

In an exclusive interview with
Mr. Lester Hooker, the Director of
Athletics at William & Mary, Coach
Good was described as "both
capable and experienced,"
"certainly qualified," and "perhaps
the most outstanding swimmer to
come out of William & Mary in the
last decade." He was sure that the
new coach would keep the
swimming program here at the
University ever improving.

The new coach has already
assumed his position with the
Athletic Department and besides
his coaching duties, he will teach
four beginners swimming classes a
week in the Memorial Gym puddle
pool. In a series of events that
seemed to snowball at the end of
the summer, Mr. Good left his job

teaching in a Pennsylvania high
school to accept the position here
in Charlottesville.

He first met with his team last
night to make plans for the coming
season, and subsequent meetings
are to be held tonight and
tomorrow night. Based on a solid
nucleus of eight returning
lettermen, he sees that the only
improvement over last year's 8-2
record will come on the individual
level. The tragic death of
second-year man Mike Daily might
be a factor to overcome this season
also. The swimming teams here at
the University have always been
very closely knit and with the loss
of a member of the team such as
Daily, the new coach feels that a
little bit of each team member died
as well.

On paper the team looks good.
Heading the list of returnees is Alex
Shaw, a husky second-year man
who broke records in the 500 and
1000 yard crawls last winter.
Co-captain and record holder Jay
Wainwright returns in the one
meter dive. Gary Chewning, John
Shrum, and Nelson Workman are
the other returning record holders.