University of Virginia Library

Coach Clay's Corps Open Season
With Goblets In Cancer Benefit

This afternoon at 3:30 coach
Bill Clay will lead his untried
Cavayearlings against the always
formidable VPI Gobblets at Scott

Although the team is plagued by
an injury problem that is more
serious than any Virginia team has
experienced in recent years, Coach
Clay reports that spirits are high,
and he is aiming to duplicate last
year's 28-20 victory at Blacksburg.

Despite the fact that six starters
will be sidelined, first-string quarterback
Bill Troup is still expected
to direct the team. The lanky 6-4
Pennsylvanian is rated as an
excellent passer and will rely on
strong moves by flanker Alan
Clements and halfback Fred Kaspick
to establish his serial attack.
At fullback will be Terry McGovern,
who is replacing the
injured Chuck Bellick.

The defense, less scarred than
the offense, is looking for a strong,
well coordinated effort to stop the
Goblet powerhouse. Leading the
team will be Gary Arbeznik, an
All-League tackle from St. Louis.
At 6-2 and 214 pounds, he is
expected to lead a fierce pass rush
as well as stop the Hokie ground
attack. Middle guard, the mainstay
of the defense, will be played by
Phil Cerpanya.

Bringing up the rear will be
safety Billy League, a local boy
from Lovingston, and a graduate of
Fork Union Military Academy. The
Baby Cavaliers will look to his
speed and pursuit to quell the
poignant Govviet air.

In a final Capsule evaluation,
Coach Clay said yesterday that his
team was "sort of a mystery."
Since he must devote the bulk of
their practice time to simulating
plays of the upcoming opposition
for the varsity, he has been able to
spend little time perfecting his own
attack. Commenting on their recent
scrimmage with Fork Union Military
Academy, Clay said at times
his offense resembled a "Chinese
fire drill."

One thing he does guarantee,
though, is "a lot of hitting." The
team is eagerly awaiting their first
opportunity to don the Blue and
Orange of U.Va., and it is this spirit
that Coach Clay is looking to, to
carry them to victory.