University of Virginia Library

From The Sidelines

Mr. Gibson

By Hugh Antrim


TONIGHT AT 7:15, WTJU-FM will broadcast a taped
interview with head basketball coach, Bill Gibson. Pat Ryan,
sports director for the radio station, reported that he had spent
about a month researching the issues of controversy and talking
with players. Ryan's work apparently culminated with a recent
interview with Coach Gibson.

WTJU-FM, broadcasting out of Humphreys House, announced
that a 15-minute program was planned. An introduction outlining
Mr. Gibson's background will preface a question and answer
session with the coach. Pat Ryan will close the broadcast with a
wrapup and analysis of Mr. Gibson's remarks.

THUS COACH BILL GIBSON will put his case before the
public. The University community should not pass up this
opportunity to judge for themselves the dilemma facing the
basketball program.

On five different occasions in the past this newspaper has
endeavored to identify the controversy; to assert that Mr.
Gibson was largely at fault in his dealings with his players, and to
appeal to Mr. Gibson, Mr. Sebo, or anyone who cared to explain to
the community (and especially the basketball players, to whom
the Athletic Department owes primary responsibility) their
action, or lack of action, concerning the list of grievances
presented by the players to their Athletic Department.

IT WOULD SURELY have been a waste of space, time,
and effort to repeat this endeavor a sixth time. We are therefore
grateful to hear that WJTU-FM has prepared for broadcast to the
public an interview with the basketball coach. No word on the
uprisings in the basketball program have reached the eager pens of
the media in quite some time. We are very interested in what
Coach Gibson has to say, and Messrs. English and Kinn will
probably give ear to the proceedings.

To our way of thinking the gentleman will have much to
explain within a brief ten minutes. Of paramount concern still is
the issue of the acting basketball captains and the method of their
election. The impact of the whole affair to the next season's team
is also of concern; for if the players are not satisfied with Mr.
Gibson's explanations, team unity, morale, and performance will
all be at a low ebb. Another subject of concern lies with the
recruiting program. We can come up with but three names of
athletes signed to grant-in-aids; perhaps Messrs. Gibson, DiBasio,
and Connor have additional men willing to come to Virginia, but
such information is outstanding from this office. And there is
concern about the scholarship of one Tony Kinn.

WE SINCERELY HOPE that Mr. Gibson does satisfy the
questions of the players and community; for if he fails to measure
up to the scrutinizing public eye, there will be a real mess on the
hard-court of University Hall next winter — hostile crowd, hostile
players, hostile coach.

Check today's classified ads: "Hear Coach Bill Gibson and the
true story of the basketball controversy at 7:15 on WJTU-FM,
91.3 on the dial." Please tune in.


Head Basketball Coach Bill Gibson Finishes Sixth Season

Mentor Will Speak On Controversy Tonight On WJTU-FM