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Cavaliers' Biggest Fan

Mr. Carmichael To Move Here

By Steve Giannini
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer


Photo By Bob Ware

Mr. Horace Carmichael Lets Loose Another Piercing Whistle At Referees

Norm Carmichael's Father Will Retire, Move To Charlottesville, Become Fixture

For those who might have
thought that Norm Carmichael's
father has made his last appearance
after Norm's last game at home
against Wake Forest - take heart.
The Cavalier Cagers' most vocal and
enthusiastic supporter will be back
next year to voice his opinions and

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Carmichael
are planning to retire after this year
and move to a house they are
currently having built about 15
miles west of Charlottesville.

The piercing Carmichael whist
will be heard in Scott Stadium as
well as University Hall next year.
Mr. Carmichael already has season
tickets for both sports: "I'll be here
as long as my heart holds out," he

The whole thing started when
Norm decided to come to the
University to play basketball.
Whenever Norm and the Cavaliers
played in University Hall, Mr. and
Mrs. Carmichael traveled down
from their home in Surattsville,
Md., in the Washington area, to
attend the games. Mr. Carmichael
explained that he sometimes attends
away games if they are not
too far. Next year, after he has
retired, he and his wife hope to
travel with the team.

Over the past four years, Horace
Carmichael has followed Virginia's
basketball program closely and
believes it is improving. He states
that the team has had too many
tough breaks to overcome this year,
especially losing Chip case earlier in
the season, but he also thinks that
they lost a couple they could have

Mr. Carmichael played basketball
with the Marines at Quantico in
'27, '28, and '29. He remembered
the games as being entirely different
then, mostly rougher. Mrs.
Carmichael also had been a center
in her earlier years. Even though
both parents had been involved
with the game they did not push
Norman to go out for the sport in
high school. Mr. Carmichael said he
and his wife were surprised when
Norman tried out. Consequently,
all credit for Norm's development
goes to his high school coach.

In general he believes the
referees are doing a fairly good job
but there have been some glaring
exceptions. In order to do something
about this situation, Mr.
Carmichael hopes to get together
some statistical information to
ascertain why the big boys in the
league are always the ones who get
called for fouls under the boards.

This season will contain only
one more event for Mr. and Mrs.
Carmichael - the ACC tournament.
After the Wake Forest game they
left immediately for Charlotte for
the first round Thursday. Mr.
Carmichael's pick: "Well, if Virginia
does not win, South Carolina will."