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Dewitt, McCandlish, Miller Star

Unbeaten Cavayearlings Down Duke

By Dave Marshall

Virginia's undefeated First-year
basketball team defeated the
freshmen. Blue Devils of Duke last
night 81-59 and sent them back to
where they belong. The
Cavayearlings, though matched on
the boards, completely out-played
Duke with an aggressive,
ball-hawking defense and a well
coordinated, good shooting offense.

Virginia controlled the opening
tip-off but could not score so the
baby Blue Devols jumped off to a
2-0 lead. With good outside
shooting they increased their lead
to 10-4 before the
Cavyearlingseven warmed up.
Virginia turn-overs helped. But the
first-year men played catch-up well
and Frank Dewitt soon tied the
game up 12-12 with a tricky
back-hand lay-up. With 11:30 left
forward Tom Bagby stole the ball,
passed off to Chip Miller and ran

down the court to receive a pass
back from Miller. Then he laid it up
and in to put Virginia ahead 18-16
for the first time. Then the
Cavayearlings, with Scott
McCandlish blocking shots- he had
six in the first half- and everyone
rebounding built a seven point lead,
28-21, by hitting on 10 of 11 foul
shots. Then Miller, McCandlish and
Dewitt scored nine straight points
to give the half-time margin, 39-21.

In the second half, with Dewitt
scoring 17 points and Miller adding
15, the Cavayearlings increased
their lead to as much as 29 points.

After the game Coach Dick
DiBiasio in expressing his pleasure
in the men cited the "fine balance,
teamwork and discipline" as well as
the "excellent foul shooting".

Frank Dewitt, who hauled in 12
rebounds, took game scoring
honors with 24 points. McCandlish
had 17 points, 13 rebounds and
nine blocked shots. Chip Miller
scored 20 points and had four
assists. The first-year men made 27
of 31 foul shots and 27 of 50 field