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Artist Series Tickets Sold By Union
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Artist Series Tickets Sold By Union


"Man of La Mancha," Award-Winning Play, Due Here On March 5

Artist Series Features Hague Philharmonic, Richmond Symphony

at $9.00 each for students and $16
each for non-students.

Season memberships are also
available in the Tuesday Evening
Concert Series. Sponsored by the
department of music, the series will
present eight concerts in Old Cabell
Hall Auditorium this year.

The series will open on October
is with The Juilliard Quartet
which, according to Harold
Schonberg of the New York Times,
"represents the very model of
modern quartet playing at its best."

Since its establishment nearly 20
years ago, the quartet has come to
be considered the interpretive
group without peer for the 20th
century repertoire as well as works
of the classical and romantic

Two weeks later Bernard
Kruysen, European baritone, will
perform in Cabell Hall. Mr. Kruysen
has won awards for his
interpretation of French songs, has
presented concerts throughout
Europe and won the 1964 Paris
Orphee d'or for his interpretation
of .

Frano Concert

On November 19, Alicia. De
Larrocha, Barcelona-born pianist
who has appeared in recitals and
with orchestras throughout the
United States, will present an
evening of Spanish music. Her
appearances last season included a
Bell Telephone Hour taped from
Madrid's El Prado and a Carnegie
Hall recital commemorating the
100th anniversary of the birth of

The fourth event in the series
will be a concert on December 3, by
Japanese violinist Takako Nishizaki,
who was trained in the Suzakie
technique of teaching violin to very
young children. As a symphony
orchestra soloist, she has won praise
for her splendid musicianship,
vibrant tone and delicate technique.

Brass Quintet

On the fourth of February the
New York Brass Quintet will
present a concert of brass literature
of the Renaissance and Baroque

They will be followed two
weeks later by the Ciompi Quartet,
which was organized as a string
quartet in 1965 and appointed
quartet-in-residence at Duke
University in 1966. With four
outstanding string players from this
country and Europe, the quartet
has toured widely and been highly
praised for the brilliance and color
of its ensemble work.

Flute, Keyboard

On March 4, Jean-Pierre Rampal
and Robert Veyron-Lacrois, flute
and keyboard duo, will present a
concert. These two French
musicians will return to the
University's Tuesday Evening series
as part of their New York to
California tour that includes their
third annual set of concert at New
York's Philharmonic Hall. The final
concert in the series will be given
on March 18 by the Festival Winds,
a permanent group of artists who
perform rarely heard masterpieces
on the woodwind repertoire.

All concerts in the series are
held at 8:15 Tuesday evenings.
Admission to the concert is by
season ticket only. No tickets will
be sold for single concerts only.

Students are encouraged to
participate actively in the musical
activities of the University,
including the glee club, the concert
and pep bands and the University
Singers. Each of these groups gives
several concerts each year.

Glee Club

Last year, for example, the Glee
Club 'performed at' the State
Department, at the personal
invitation of Mrs. Dean Rusk, for
the banquet of the Washington
diplomat corps. The Virginia Glee
Club is the only glee club ever to
appear at this annual affair.

Students who would like to
participate in any of the musical
groups of the University are
encourage to contact the Music
Department in Room 21 of Old
Cabell Hall.

Drama Whetted

Turning from music to drama,
the student can whet his cultural
appetite at any of the production
of the Virginia Players.

Acting both independently and
in conjunction with the department
of speech and drama, the Players
offer many chances for valuable
theatre experience since they
annually produce five or six major
plays, and numerous workshop

Steady Diet

There is always a steady diet of
visiting and resident lecturers at the
University. Faculty-sponsored
lectures include the University
Center in Virginia series, in which
speakers are suggested and
sponsored by the University
academic departments, and the
Emily C. Balch Lecturer, the first
of whom was William Faulkner.

The Peters Rushton Seminars in
Contemporary Prose and Poetry
have brought to the University such
outstanding literary figures as
Robert Penn Warren, Archibald
MacLeish, c. c. Cummings, and
James Thurber.

Economics Series

The Thomas Jefferson Center
on Political Economy, an organ of
the economics department,
annually sponsors a lecture series of
outstanding economists.

The James. W. Richard
Lectureship and the Page-Barbour
Lecture Foundation annually bring
eminent scholars here to deliver a
series of lectures which are late
printed in book form.

Past lecturers in theology and
other fields have included Allan
Nevins, James B. Conant, Charles
W. Eliot, W. H. Auden, William
Howard Taft, and T. S. Eliot.

Legal Forum

One of the most popular lecture
series is that sponsored by the
Student Legal Forum. Last year's
speakers before the forum included
Associate-Supreme Court Justice
Byron ("Whizzer") White and U. S.
Steel Chairman Roger Blough.

And so, while Charlottesville is
no New York City or even Atlanta,
there are, in addition to the
pleasant social aspects of life on the
Grounds, a array of more
serious extracurricular and cultural
activities that can satisfy most any