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IM Meet Closes;
Phi Delt In Front

By Ted McKean
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Amidst many grunts, groans,
and moans, a number of onetime
high school greats, now rundown
Cavaliers took to Lambeth
Field Monday for the annual IM
Track Meet. Qualifying and finals
were run in the field events,
while the finals in the running
events are yet to be run.

In the field events, the most
noteworthy performance came
from Duane Moats of Phi Delt,
who soared to 12′ in the pole
vault for a new meet record. In
order to finish, he was followed
by Kirk (ATO), Cutler (Phi Kap),
Wainwright (Phi Psi), Brady (Phi
Gam), and Sidler (Kappa Sig).

Tom Garth of KA successfully
defended his high jump win of
last year by going over the bar
at 5′ 9″. He was followed by
Chewning (Phi Kap), Peyton
(DU), Meade (St. A.), Buchannan
(Sigma Pi), and Cullen (Kappa

Bill Castles, Phi Delt, leaped
19′ 7″ to capture the broad jump.
Behind him were McCall (Theta
Chi), Young (SPE), DeVol (Pi
Ka), Koch (Theta Chi), and Garrett
(Chi Phi) and Rogers (Zete)
tied for sixth.

Shelley Upsets Spald

In the shot put, Greg Shelley
of SPE upset defending champ
Chuck Spaid of PiKa with a toss
of 50 feet. Behind them came
Dygve (ATO), Mundy (Phi Kap),
Wyncoop (SPE), Opp (Pi Kap).

Jeff Anderson of Phi Gam closed
out the field events with a heave
of 148′ 2″ to win the discus.
Shelley (SPE) trailed him, followed
by Spaid (PiKa), Vermeire (SPE),
Buchannan (Sigma Pi), and Marr

In the dashes, Dave Wyncoop
(SPE) led the qualifiers in the
60 with a time of 6.6. Others who
will run in the finals are: Whitcomb
(Phi Delt), Arberg (Phi Delt),
McAllister (Kappa Sig), Englander
(St. A.) and Hine (St. A.).

Rannigan, Whitcomb Tie

Bob Rannigan of DKE and Steve
Whitecomb of Phi Delt tied for
first in the pre-lims of the 100.
Both were clocked in the time of
10.6. Following these two were:
Arberg (Phi Delt), Englander (St.
A.), McAllister (Kappa Sig), and
Smith (PiKa).

Smith, PiKa, bounced back from
the 100 to capture the 120 low
hurdles in 14.8. Behind him came
Hayden (KA), Krebs (SAE), Todd
(Phi Psi), Garrett (Chi Phi), and
Hoof (St. A.).

The 220 yard dash went to Bill
Lockwood of PiKa, in a time of
23.6. Trailing him were: Tyler
(St. A.), MacKall (Theta Chi),
Anderson (Phi Gam), Krebs
(SAE), and Nuckols (Chi Psi).

St. A. Wins 440

St. A. triumphed in the 440
relay with a time of 46.4. Behind
them, in order of qualifying
times, came Phi Delt, SAE, and