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Rotunda To Give Way
For New Athletic Dorm

By Bob Callous
CD Staff Iconoclast



Yes, once again
The Cavalier Daily is running a picture of
the Rotunda, but this time it is only because
there may not be too many times in
the future to do so. The Athletic Department
has announced plans to tear down this
structure - "which was falling apart anyway"-to
make way for an athletic dorm.
Although goalposts have been proposed for
the Lawn, Mr. Sebo promises that nothing
will be done to destroy the sacred grass
which was seemingly so rudely treated last

Plans were revealed today for
the construction of a new dormitory
for the housing of athletes.
In his presentation, Athletic Director
Steve Sebo gave reporters a
sneak preview of the edifice, expected
to cost in the neighborhood
of seven million dollars.

A site for the dormitory tentatively
named George Blackburn
Hall has not yet been determined,
but Mr. Sebo did mention a preference
for the plot now occupied
by "that funny round building
at the end of the the
boys won't have a long walk to

Plans now call for a building
constructed entirely of marble on
the outside painted blue and
orange. Interior decoration will be
baroque, highlighted white animal
skin rugs of the type used by Joe
Namath of the New York Jets.

Each football player will have a
private room with adjoining bath
and weight room. There will be a
sauna bath and small gymnasium
on each floor, and the basement
will include a practice field of
regulation size for rainy days and
the winter months.

Landscaping plans call for the
Lawn to be re-terraced to permit
the addition of a swimming pool
and practice field. The entire area
will be enclosed by a ten foot
fence with goal posts interspersed
in keeping with the new atmosphere
of the complex. "I think
we'll call it the Football Quad,"
said Mr. Sebo.

At this point in the press conference,
basketball coach Bill
"Hoot" Gibson burst into the
room, demanding why there were
no provisions for housing basketball
players in the new dorm.
"We're jocks, too!" he commented.

Mr. Sebo calmed his irate associate
with the news that as soon
as the new dorm is completed,
rooms on the East and West ranges
now occupied by "students who
have used up their eligibility" will
be reserved for other Virginia athletes,
with basketball players
housed in what is now West Range
and the rest of the jocks on East

"These athletes should provide
sort of a buffer between the football
players and the students,"
commented Sebo.

When asked if these measures
would, in his opinion, assist the
University in its drive to attain
national prominence, Sebo said
that they would. "After this dorm
is completed and if we have a few
good recruiting years then I'd say
we should be able to step up the
the class of Clemson or maybe
even Alabama."