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Ruggers Sweep Three
In Saturday's Matches

By Bob Cullen
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer


Ruggers John Ashton And Jim Rollins Close In On An Enemy Runner

Virginia Swept Three Matches From Lynchburg And Georgetown Saturday

The Virginia Rugby Football
Club staged a display of power
and depth Saturday on Nameless
Field, sweeping all three matches
by scores of 16-6, 24-0, and 18-3,
in A, B, and C matches.

Under lowering skies that never
delivered on their promise of rain,
the C team played the first match
against the A team of Lynchburg
College, Though the play was at
times sloppy, due mainly to inexperience
on both sides, the Virginia
ruggers encountered no
serious challenge in atoning for
defeat at the hands of Washington
last week.

Zawastoski Scores

Inside back John Zawastoski accounted
for 12 of the Cavaliers
18 points with two tries and three
conversions. Rick Spees got the
other six on two tries that he
scored from his position in the
scrum. Lynchburg's sole score was
a prodigious 45 yard penalty kick
from the foot of fullback Mickey

Virginia's A team took the field
next, facing the Georgetown
Rugby Club. The Hoyas had held
Virginia to a tight 6-3 victory last
fall, and the prognosis for this
contest was another close one.
But the Cavaliers soon demonstrated
why they were recently
rated the top university club in the

Hoopes Scores First

Inside back Courtney Hoopes
opened Virginia's scoring with a
twisting thirty yard scoring gallop.
Hoopes took a pass from fly-half
Ai Duck worth, faked another
lateral, dodged the last Hoya defender
and carried the ball into the
end zone untouched. Julian Raney
converted, and the score was 5-0.

Georgetown quickly struck back
in the person of Mike Conroy.
The diminutive Hoya speedster recovered
his own pop-kick behind
the Virginia secondary, and outraced
them for the try. The conversion
attempt failed.

Dave Blumberg and Julian
Raney accounted for the Cavaliers'
next five points. Rancy carried
the ball to within a few yards
of the goal and then passed the
ball off to Blumberg who had
come up from the scrum and dove
over for the score. Raney again
converted, and the score was 10-3.

Raney Boots Placement

An exchange of penalty kicks
followed, an exchange in which
the Cavaliers came out on the long
end. Raney booted a forty yard
placement to make the score 13-3.
Georgetown countered with a three
pointer of their own, but it was
far too little and far too late for
the Hoyas. Raney finished the scoring
with only seconds remaining in
the match on his second successful
penalty kick of the afternoon,
this one a ten yarder.

But despite the fine play of
the Virginia backs, the major portion
of the credit for Saturday's
victory belongs to the scrum,
powerful group that averages over
6 feet and 200 pounds. They were
instrumental in foiling several
Georgetown threats within the five
yard line.

Lavoy Top Scrummer

Especially effective was Tom
Lavoy, a law student and former
basketball star at Arizona. Lavoy
dominated the line-outs as he once
dominated the backboards, using
his height to good advantage, and
providing an intimidating force
in the midst of the scrum.

The B team commandos
finishes out the day with a 24-0
rout of their counterparts from
Georgetown in a game whose attendance
suffered from competition
with the IFC beer party.
But for the die-hards who stayed,
the reward was a well played game
that indicated the extent of Virginia's
depth this spring. Dickie
Payne and B. K. Mundy, both of
whom have competed fro the A
team in past weeks, were
particularly outstanding in completing
the three game sweep.