University of Virginia Library

Crippled Cavs Will Try For
State Track Triumph


To no one's surprise, the
William & Mary Indians are
heavy favorites to win the
Virginia State Track meet this
afternoon at the Lannigan
Field track.

As usual, the Indians are
particularly strong in the
middle distance events, where
they are led by Reggle Clark in
the half mile and the mile.
Clark, who is a national class
runner, was clocked earlier this
spring at 4:08 in the mile.

Backing up Clark in the
distances is Ron Martin, who
although not quite the runner
Clark is, has been instrumental
in almost every one of the
Tribe's victories thus far.

In all, there are 14 teams
participating in this annual
championship. Two schools
expected to give the Indians
some kind of trouble are
Virginia Tech and Norfolk

Virginia's Cavaliers could
possibly be contenders for the
title; however, the 'Hoos lack
of depth will probably prevent
them from making any serious
rush at the crown.

The Cavs are hurting in
several areas, not only from a
lack of manpower, but also by
a few key injuries, Sprinter
Kent Merritt burned a hole
right through the top of his
shoe; exposing a severe blister.
This injury could do
considerable damage to his

In addition, Virginia was set
back this spring due to the
absence of second-year man
Keith Witherspoon, who is on
academic probation. Last year,
Witherspoon's presence in a
meet almost guaranteed
Virginia the first place points
in the triple jump.

Phil Meyer, the Cavaliers'
star distance man is also
expected to be in sub-par
condition. Meyer, owner of 10
school records, has developed
minor leg problems.

Another problem came
about recently that has only
added to the Wahoos' depth
situation. In this case, the key
figure involved is Harrison
Davis, who, like many two-star
athletes, has had trouble
finding time for both sports.
Because of complications
arising over spring football,
"H" will run only in the 440
relays, staying out of his
specialty, the high hurdles.

Norfolk State perennially
has one of the top sprint
squads in the state and once
again they have lived up to
their reputation. In the 100
and 220, they have a speedster
of their own to match Kent
Merritt. Like Merritt, the
Spartans' Steve Riddick has a
9.5 timing in the 100.

Blacksburg's contingent is
fairly talented all around with
its stars located in the pole
vault pit. Ed Nuttycombe has
already cleared 15 feet this
year, and could go higher if
really pushed. One of his
biggest worries this afternoon
will be the Cavs' Jim McClurg
who has done 14 feet and over.

The preliminary events start
at 11 a.m. and go on till 12:30
p.m. The afternoon session will
follow at 2:15, beginning with
the pole vault.