University of Virginia Library



ONE OF THE BEST SHOWS In Charlottesville this winter
begins its new season this Saturday night at UHall. And
indications are, as always, that it will have another long,
successful run.

Of course, this show happens to be none other than the
Virginia Cavaliers basketball team, often described as the
"Amazin' Cavaliers" which has become this town's finest
attraction in the winter months from December through

are the Mr. BP, "the
Uniontown Rifle", Larry "the Flash "Little Stevie"
Morris, Bob McKeag, Al Drummond Lanny Stahuraki.
Also cavorting on the University Hall should be first-year
flash Wally "Wonderful", the sensation G", and an
accompanying cast of Andy Bonin cik, Spencer
Graham, Brian Tully and Dan Bonner.

There will be some changes in Cavalier courtsmanship this
year, not at all intended to reverse the 16-8 and 20-7 records
of the two previous years, but planned to elevate the
Cavaliers to the upper echelons of the ACC.

First of all, there will be o set five-man lineup for the
Hoos. "I can think of eight men who might start for us",
muses Coach Bill Gibson and, indeed it is hard to think of
anyone who couldn't start at one time or another this year
Presumably the eight possibilities are Parkhill, Hobgood
Morris, McKeag, Drummond, Stahurski, Walker, Gerard and

CHANGE NUMBER TWO is related to style. "We are unlike
any team in the league. We have more team speed than anyone
else in the league," throws out Coach Gibson. Although a firm
believer in the element of surprise, Mr. Gibson's statement
does indicate a variance from last year's tactics of holding the
ball against supposedly stronger teams.

Also divergent from set policy of the past should be the
gearing of the starting lineup to the size and speed of opposing
teams. Against a tall team like N.C. State it would be
imperative to start the tall Stahurski, but against a smaller,
faster team Stahurski might be on the bench at the start
yielding to a quick set of three natural forwards.

stay the same. Gladly enough, that included the return of
Barry Parkhill, second-team UPI and AP All-American last
year, first team Converse and Helms Foundation All American.
Athlete of the Year in the ACC and its Most Valuable
basketball player. There is no doubt where Parkhill will play,
and that he will play as much as possible, Coach Gibson
emphasizes Parkhill's importance to the team, "Over the past
two years there hasn't been a guard in the country asked to do
as much as Barry. He scores, he handles the ball, he plays
defense, he breaks the press. There isn't a thing he can't do."

Joining Parkhill as players that Mr. Gibson "wouldn't trade"
are Hobgood and Gerard. Hobbo started for the first time a
year ago and responded with a 12.3 scoring average and
consistent rebounding. Slowed by a foot injury toward the end
of the year, Hobgood's steadiness contributed much to the
1971-'72 outfit.

GERARD, JUST A SOPH gave indications of things to
come most recently as the high scorer in the annual Orange
and Blue Game with 32 points. Most importantly, he proved
his worth over the long haul by pacing the first-year team in
scoring last year with a 24-point average per game. Just
recently, Street and Smith's, the respected I college sports
annual, chose Gerard in its list of the top-100 or so
sophomores in the country.

Walker, on everybody's list of "freshmen to watch", comes
by way of Millersville Pa., and could soon be one of the
members of an all-Pennsylvanian starting five. Presently,
hampered by a fracture in his foot, Walker could soon fulfill
all the expectations that developed from his 31.7 points per
game high-school average. Called the "second coming of Rick
Barry" by North Carolina mentor Dean Smith, Walker might
provide just the edge to push the 'Hoos to the top of the
league this year.

ALTHOUGH LEAGUE COACHES (no one could vote for
himself) chose Virginia to finish fifth, outright heresy to the
minds of Cavalier followers, Mr. Gibson remembers times in
the past when similar predictions have been made and the
Cavaliers have improved on the pick.

Mr. Gibson's objective? "We're determined to be national
champs... but first the ACC."