University of Virginia Library

Wake Forest Discusses
Withdrawal Frm ACC


Wake Forest's athletic
program, which has been
kicked around on playing fields
for quite some time, now is
under attack from a different

It was announced Monday
that a movement had been
started to pressure the school
into re-evaluating its athletic
program, including the
possibility of dropping out of
the Atlantic Coast Conference.

Four faculty members
originated the idea to study
athletics at the school. They
raised a motion at a faculty
meeting to test faculty reaction
to leaving the conference.

Although the motion was
defeated, the faculty members
agreed to appoint a committee
to study intercollegiate sports
at Wake. A spokesman for the
university, Associate Athletic
Director Jesse Haddock, said
that, "We support the idea and
will cooperate. Any time that
the athletic program is put
under scrutiny, the program is
bound to improve."

Wake Forest has been in
turmoil over the past week,
starting with the firing of
football coach Tom Harper
before the season ended, which
raised questions as to the goals
and purposes of Wake athletics.

Always a mediocre entry in
ACC athletics, Wake has
finished last in the Carmichael
Cup standings every year since