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Six Receptions

Belic Bows Out With POW Performance



Chuck Belic Running A Pass Pattern in Saturday's Game

Playing in his last game at
Scott Stadium, fourth-year
wingback Chuck Belic showed
once again why he is probably
the most versatile and perhaps
the most talented athlete on
the Virginia squad. For his
efforts he was named the
Cavalier Daily's Player–

Though he played
consistently well all year, the
N.C. State game was
undoubtedly his finest
performance statistically. The
figures show that he caught six
passes for 98 yards, but even
these impressive stats do not
reveal the spectacular catch
that he managed just barely
inside the end-zone for the
Wahoo's second T.D.

According to Coach
Flaherty, the receiver assistant
coach, Chuck made most of his
receptions on patterns run just
underneath the deep State
zone. He was helped by the
fact that Dave Sullivan was
double covered on most plays.

Chuck also garnered 26
yards running the ball on five
carries. Most of his runs came
on inside reverses, including
one 17 yard jaunt.

In addition to his running
and receiving, Belic continued
unnoticed by most, to do his
usual fine blocking job.
Surprisingly this was the
original reason that he was
placed at the slotback position,
to open holes for the ground

So far this season, Chuck
has been on the receiving end
of 30 passes for 412 yards and
four touchdowns. Had it not
been for the presence of Mr.
Sullivan, the league's premier
receiver, his abilities would

have been much more
publicized long before this.

It seems that Chuck has
always been playing along side
Sullivan. At Steelton-Highspire
High School in Pennsylvania,
he was a teammate of Dave for
three years. During his senior
year, he was voted M.V.P. of
the football team and elected
President of his class.

Last year Chuck was a
starter on the Cav's defense at
middle linebacker. He was
shifted to slotback this spring
and has had no trouble at all
making the transition. From
his stats it is easy to see that in
one year he has joined Sullivan
as one of the leading receivers
in the ACC.