University of Virginia Library

Sophomore Has Big Day

Davis Player Of Week



Harrison Davis Releases A Bullet Against UNC Last Saturday

Davis Directed A Statistical Extravaganza Against The Tar Heels

Saturday afternoon heroism on
the gridiron is a weekly thing, and
probably the most outstanding
example of these fickle fortunes
this season is our Player of the
Week, Harrison Davis.

Victim of much derision for his
previous performances at the helm
of the offense, Harrison came into
his own against North Carolina in
relief of Larry Albert and
proceeded to author a terrific
261-yard, two touchdown
afternoon which shall serve to
silence many of his detractors.
Good on fourteen of his 30 pass
attempts, "H" had two aerials
intercepted, but fired TD strikes of
23 and 14 yards to Dave "Silky"

Entangled in the web of bad
luck and the general, anemic nature
of the Cavalier offense this year,
Davis became the scapegoat for the
rough and sometimes downright
obnoxious Scott Stadium fans.
Short on confidence for
understandable reasons, Saturday's
contest, as Harrison put it, "proved
something to himself." His 261
yards outstripped Albert's 243
against Vanderbilt which has stood
as the best aerial afternoon in the
ACC this year, and placed him fifth
on the all-time Wahoo single game
statistics behind such well-knowns
as Bob Davis (New York Jets) who
appears twice, Gene Arnette
(Pensacola service ball), and ancient
Jim Gillette.

Hailing from Bethel High School
in Hampton, Va., the 20-year-old
second yearman won eight letters in
basketball, track, baseball, and
football. Athlete of the Year in
1969 and 1970, Harrison's greatest
achievements came on the cinders
where he was All-District and stood
out in the High hurdles, 220-yard
dash, and high jump.

Having quarterbacked the
Cavayearlings to a 4-1 log last year
with a 5.4 yard rushing average,
Davis was number two this fall
before the quarterback situation
underwent rapid and cataclysmic

Rushing 15 times for 53 yards,
Davis was caught for 27-yards
worth of losses which shrinks that
figure a bit. But as he said to the
large group of reporters which
follow the stars, "I know I can get
better. It's hard sitting down when
you know you can play," he said
about the painful period after
starting the first three games this
season when he was benched for
offensive unproductivity.

Only a short time ago, it was
rumored that Davis would leave
Cavalier County after this season in
favor of Norfolk State upon the
urging of the State coach. But it
hardly appears that the threat
remains as Harrison's doors to the
future have been, at least, cracked.
Davis commented that he will "play
any position now, Position doesn't
make any difference now. I just
want to play." With an attitude like
that, who can doubt his

Bill Davis joined Sullivan with
seven catches apiece for 159 and 84
yards respectively, both issuing fine
performances on the other end of
Harrison's throws.


University Rugby Players And Opponents Anxiously Pursue Course Of Ball During Recent Match

'A' Side Belabored Old Dominion Sunday, 33-0, And Retained Its First-Place Ranking On Coast