University of Virginia Library

Booters Entertain Indians
In Important State Game



University Of Virginia Soccer Team Takes Another Step Toward State Title Today At Home

Booters Entertain William and Mary On Football Practice Field In Attempt To Stay Unbeaten In State

William and Mary's Indians hit
town today for an important soccer
contest with the University's
recently luckless booters in a game
which should go far to determine
the state champion in the sport this

Carrying an unimpressive 4-3
record, Virginia faces a must
situation in the game this
afternoon, which will be played on
the lower football practice field.
According to Coach Jim Stephens,
the game site had been switched
because "it is the only University
athletic field which is not under
water." Coaches, players, and fans
of the team alike are hoping for
nice weather as six of the seven
Cavalier games this year have been
played in mud and rain. Obviously,
this is a disadvantage to the local
booters because it tends to
neutralize the superior speed of the

Playoff divisions in the state will
decide the championship this year
as two sections of seven teams have
been organized. Virginia leads the
Eastern division with an undefeated
in-state log while everyone else has
been beaten, W&M four times. One
on the Indians' losses (against three
victories) came against the
front runner of the Western division,
Lynchburg College. Tomorrow's
contestants have played no
common opponents.

After tying the boys from the
colonial town 2-2 during the regular
season last year, Virginia edged
them 2-1 on Carr's Hill Field in the
State Championship game. M's
head coach came down with
mononucleosis earlier this season
and Mr. Stephens says, "It doesn't
look like they have a real strong
team this year."

After defeating Old Dominion,
Virginia Military, and Roanoke
College in the state thus far, the
Cavaliers are in the driver's seat for
the title if they can win today and
against Virginia Tech Saturday
morning. Hampden-Sydney is on
the schedule for a week from

Singling out several of his
players for special recognition,
Stephens said, "Ed Marks, one of
our captains, has been playing
particularly outstanding games at
Center fullback. Chip Williams
(another fullback) has also been
doing a good job. "We've really
lacked that extra punch for
scoring," commented Stephens,
adding, "We hope we can get a few
more into the nets."

Coach Stephens cited several
factors for the team's disappointing
performances of late against North
Carolina and Duke. Making further
mention of the slopping field
conditions which have plagued the
Wahoo attack, Stephens noted that,
"a boy like lay Connor who can
really move with that ball is really
hampered when the field is all mud.
All he can do is slip and slide and
crash into people."

Another problem facing the
Cavaliers has been the tactics used
by opponents against the strong
Virginia offense, including such
scorers as Phil Crane and Connor.
"All the teams we've played,"
explained Mr. Stephens, "have seen
how we play and pull back half of
their team to play defense. Both
Carolina and Duke played with four
fullbacks (to clog up the Cavalier
shooting). Teams like this,"
Stephens went on, "hope for a low
scoring game and a little luck to
beat us."

Damp fields make this an
effective strategy as Stephens
pointed out by indicating that
Virginia controlled the ball for
most of each game as well as
out shooting both teams. "On the
basis of controlling the ball and
getting the shots," explained Mr.
Stephens, "we should have won
both of those games."


Linebacking Corps Has Been Consistent All Year

Rick McFarland, Chuck Belic, Kevin Michaels Stand Out