University of Virginia Library

Linebacker Michaels
Named Best Player


Even though it has been well
established that the Wahoos didn't
exactly cover themselves with glory
last Saturday at Michigan, the
enormity to the Wolverines' final
winning margin shouldn't obscure
the fact that a few Cavaliers played
some good football.

One of those playing a good
game was left-side linebacker Kevin
Michaels. Michaels made eleven
unassisted tackles, helped out on
four others and recovered a
Michigan fumble-in an effort to
help keep Virginia in the ball game.
This singularly impressive
performance led to his selection by
the Cavalier Daily Sports Staff as
Virginia's Player of the Week.

Michaels is presently a
third-yearman at the University and
spent much of the 1970 on the
bench behind what was, at the
time, a corps of veteran Cavalier
linebackers. Although he saw
infrequent periods of extended
game action it was generally agreed
that he played well while on the
field and, at the season's end, he
was quickly penciled in as one of
this year's starters.

Michaels is a graduate of Sparta
High School in picturesque Sussex
County, New Jersey. He was named
to the All-State team in his senior
year there and earned nine varsity
letters, also starring in wrestling and

It was as a wrestler that Kevin
gained his first measure of ACC
respect as he captured the
conference's 190-pound title last
year in the tournament held at
Memorial Gym. He hopes to defend
his crown this winter after the
termination of the football season.

In addition to his duties at
linebacker Michaels is capable of
kicking off into the end zone and
has some experience with
placements. Academically, he plans
on doing post-graduate work in
City Planning.

Wahoo defensive back Bill
Kettunen made or shared in
fourteen tackles and, along with
Michaels and Dan Blackely, made
one as the last Cavalier between a
Michigan back and the goal line,
saving, at least for the moment
another Wolverine touchdown.
Blackely, a second-year linebacker
and a non-starter, also played a
good game.

Offensively, Greg Dickerhoof
gained 48 difficult yards against the
large Michigan defensive line and
Kent Merritt broke off two 41-yard
kickoff returns, coming close both
times to breaking away for scores.


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