University of Virginia Library

VCU Tops Frosh, JVs

Rowers Take Richmond Regatta

By Mike Crossley


Virginia's Varsity Crew Swamped Four Teams To Win Saturday

Junior Varsity Had Lead Also But Broken Seat Disabled Craft

The Virginia Varsity Eight
lead four other teams home
Saturday to win the opening
regatta of the Fall rowing
season. Rowing for the first
time on the James River in
Richmond, the Varsity took
the lead at the start and pulled
away to win by two and a half
lengths ahead of Morris
Harvey, which finished second.
The other boats were:
Salisbury State, third; VCU,
fourth; and Richmond fifth.

Big People

The Varsity, which averages
six foot one and 195 lbs. a
man (which is a high average
and hence its nickname "the
fat eight") demonstrated its
power by keeping a low stroke
(31-34 strokes a minute)
during the race.

Misfortune Strikes

The Junior Varsity also started
well, but at the three quarter mark
stroke's seat came off the slide.
Rowing with only the remaining
seven men, the team was unable to
hold off the VCU boat and lost by
two lengths.

The two freshman crews, which
are for the most part new oarsmen,
lost to a more experienced VCU

Next Race

This Sunday, Nov. 22, for those
of you who would like to see the
teams row, but don't like to get up
to watch the 5:30 AM practice,
there will be a regatta against
Georgetown and VCU on Lake
Monticello at 1 PM.