University of Virginia Library

Names 12

By William H. Fishback
Boss, University Information Service

President Shannon announced the
appointment of twelve new
vice-presidents for the University
Friday morning, after the twelve
were approved by the Board of

Three of the new vice presidents
were deans in the admissions department.
Honest Urn, former Dean of
Admissions, is now Vice President for
Admissions. Two former assistant
deans, James Kinard and Elizabeth
Johnson, were promoted to the posts
of Vice President for White Admissions
and Vice President for Black
Admissions, respectively.

The fourth person on the admissions
staff, the War Like Conrad, will
be in charge of half-breeds, Indians,
Puerto Ricans and Jews. His new title
will be Assistant to the Vice-President
for Admissions.

With a smile on his face, Mr.
Shannon also announced that his
wife, the lovely Eleanor, will now
serve as Vice President for domestic
affairs. In that post she will be in
charge of reading Tennyson poems to
her husband every night until he falls
asleep. She will also be in charge of
the care and feeding of the five
Shannon girls, Virginia, Carolina,
Georgia, Maryland, and Baked Alaska.

Also appointed to a vice presidential
post were:

- F. Lee Middle-Ditch, who was
the University's lawyer, who will now
be the Vice President for Litigation.
In his new post he will protect us all
from the assaults being made in the
courts upon the University and its

(Continued on page 1)