University of Virginia Library

Today At 4 P.M.

Swimmers Open With Hoyas


Photo By Andy Kline

Mermen Open Campaign Under New Head Coach, Hoping To Further Their Winning Ways

"A quarter of a million yards -
that's already as much as any
Virginia swimming team has ever
covered in practice," says an
enthusiastic new swimming coach,
Ron Good. This afternoon, at 4:00
the swimming squad gets a chance
to see how much this hard early
season work will pay off as they
meet Georgetown in the first meet
of the season.

If the team is as enthusiastic as
the coach, it should pay off big. A
good crop of freshmen and some
top returnees from last year's team
should prove to be the major point

The top holdover from last
year's team is distance free-styler
Alex Shaw. Also returning, and
right behind Shaw in total number
of points scored last year, is Gary
Chewning, another distance freestyler,
and the school record holder
for the individual medley.

Co-captain Brian Fuller, who has
provided the leadership for the
young squad, will handle the breast
stroke, and John Shrum and Joel
Curtis the middle-distance free
styles. Henley Guild will be the
team's backstroker, and also will
perform in the short sprints.

Steve Remine and Nick Spencer
will be doing the diving from the
one-meter board. Coach Good will
swim two medley relays, and
confesses he "really does not know
which will win."

"This team has no real big studs,
but is well balanced," he stresses.
The first-year men that will help
out will be Gerry Rollins, Jack
Martin, Pat Deaton, and Alan

Georgetown is of unknown
quantity to Coach Good. Last year
Virginia handled the Hoyas fairly
easily, 78-26, but Coach Good does
know they have two good free style
sprinters and a good backstroker.

The Virginia team will take to
the road after this meet to face
Wake Forest Friday and Maryland
next Wednesday. Then next Saturday
the team will return home for a
big meet with William and Mary.