University of Virginia Library

I M Roundup

Softball Begins

With the first day on the
diamonds having been completed, it
is apparent that this season will
provide a good deal of action and

First Division

In division one, Theta Chi
opened with a firm trouncing of
TKE by an 11-2 score. Tom
Jefferson led Theta Chi to the
victory with three hits. By a similar
score of 11-1, Kappa Sig, currently
the doormats of the High Point
standings, defeated the number six
team, Phi Gam. Barry Bramwell and
Eddy Perkins each had three hits in
their winning effort.

Completing the action in the
first division, Sigma Chi upended
Theta Delt, 7-1, and SAE downed
Beta, 3-0.

Second Division

St. Anthony, currently ranking
third in the High Point standings,
was sent to their first defeat in as
many games by Chi Phi, 3-0.
Leading the attack with three hits
was Chi Phi's Buzz Rooney.

With three hits by Roy
Whitcomb, Phi Delt topped KA by a
4-0 score. SPE defeated Pi Lam,
8-3, with Kram Ewor leading the

The second division action was
ended with DU drubbing PEP by a
lopsided 9-1 margin.

Third Division

In the third division, ZBT and
Phi Kap struggled to a 2-2 tie.
AEPi, no longer with the services of
Steve Weinstein, was downed by St.
Elmo, 7-4.

Ron Schools led Sigma Pi to
a close 6-5 victory over PiKa. By an
identical score, Delta Sig topped
Chi Psi, despite a three run rally by
Chi Psi in the final inning. Leigh
Thornton led the attack for the

Fourth Division

ATO defeated DKE by a 9-3
score. "Bubba" Smith
livened the game with a tremendous
tape measure home run. Tony
Conway had two doubles as Zete,
the present High Point leader,
upended Sigma Phi by a 12-1 score.

Rounding out the activity in the
fourth division, Pi Kap downed Phi
Psi 4-3, and Sigma Nu topped
Sammy, 4-0.

Softball action continues this
afternoon at all the usual places.
With this short season IM's for the
year will be completed and the final
standings tabulated.