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Cavalier Stickmen Crush Bruins, 10-5

Eustace Leads Tight Defense; Potter, Tarring Score Readily

By Dave Marshall
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

A sterling defensive effort by
goalie Jim Eustace and overall
offensive excellence led by Jim
Potter, Jay Connor and Charlie
Rullman carried Virginia's Lacrosse
team to a convincing 10-5 win over
Brown University yesterday.

From the moment the timer's
foghorn blew its first piercing blast
the Carr's Hill gallery knew it was
in for an enjoyable afternoon. The
Cavalier midfielders quickly controlled
the opening face-off and
moved out on attack. However,
they soon lost possession but fine
defensive stick work gave the attackers
another chance.

Jockeying for position, Jim
Potter hit Doug Tarring with a pass
as Tarring was darting across the
crease from the right side and the
first-year attack man made good on
low shot to the goal for a 1-0 lead.

The thinly clad Cavaliers controlled
the ensuing face-off, something
they were to do 12 of 16
times during the match, but could
not score. With '68 All American
Peter Coy leading an harassing
defense the Bruins were prevented
from scoring until six minutes were
left in the period. Then Brown's
Greg Elliot scored on a right-hand
drive behind a well laid screen.

Six minutes into the second
period a Bruin tripped attack man
Connor near the Virginia goal, for
which he was forced to the penalty
box for one minute. The Cavaliers
quickly took advantage of the
man-shy Bruins as Connor fed
Potter at the top of the crease and
the junior midfielder flipped the
ball in the net for a 2-1 lead.

Six minutes later Jim Eustace,
whom Coach Bud Beardmore
touted as his 1969 "All American
goalie", made a beautiful save to
give the offense another chance. A
Bruin was called for slashing and
sent to the penalty box and Conner
and Potter combined for the same
play they had used earlier to make
the score 3-1 at halftime.

After halftime the Bruins quickly
closed the gap to one on a shot
from the top of the crease. But Jay
Connor, refreshed by rest and
Gatorade, came on to score an
unassisted goal on a right-hand
runaround with only four minutes
gone in the quarter.

Then the Cavalier Stickmen
really began to roll when, four
minutes later, Connor bounced a
pass, perhaps unintentionally, to
Bob Proutt who promptly flipped
the ball into the net for a three
point lead. Soon after Chuck
Edwards took advantage of a loose
ball situation to score and, next,
Steve Nauss scored on a 15 feet flip
shot to run the margin to five.
Charlie Rullman assisted on each of
the last two scores.

Brown, using a screen, scored on
a runaround left-hand shot by
Dean Rollins just before the period

The Bruins scored again to open
the fourth quarter when Bob
Scalise connected on an unassisted
right-hand drive to chop the deficit
to four.

Two minutes later Doug Tarring
took an over the shoulder feed at
the top of the crease from Chuck
Edwards to score his second goal. A
little later the Ivy Leaguers took
advantage of a Cavalier in the
penalty box to score their fifth and
final point.

Jim Potter finished off the
scoring and the Bruins with an
unassisted goal in a fast break
situation to make the final score

Coach Beardmore, in acknowledging
that "Brown should be the
top team in the Ivy League" was
"very proud of the way the boys
handled themselves". He is a little
leery of North Carolina's "good"
Tar Heels which the Cavaliers meet
Friday on Carr's Hill Field at three

In enhancing their national stature,
and perhaps their national
ranking, the Cavalier Stickmen
outshot the Brown players by
nineteen, 50-31. They also picked
off ninety ground balls to the
Bruins' fifty-five.

Leading the Cavaliers in scoring
were Jim Potter with three goals
and Doug Tarring with two.
Conner, Proutt, Edwards, Nauss
and Rullman scored the other goals.
Conner, who also plays varsity
soccer, led in assists with three
while Rullman added two. Edwards
and Potter had the other two