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Helman Upsets Saft
In IM Boxing Final

By Gordy Rawles
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Pete Schmidt, boxing in the
light-heavyweight division, was the
unanimous selection of the judges
as the Most Valuable Boxer of the
Year as the Intramural Boxing
Tournament climaxed with the
finals last night. Zeta Psi, Schmidt's
fraternity, won the High Point
Trophy scoring a total of 91 points
while second place honors went to
St. Anthony Hall with 82.

The final round of the
tournament began on a rather
unbalanced note as the first three
fights were called by referee John
W. (Billy) Williams before the
buzzer sounded. In the 129-lb. class
Dick Hotchkiss, an independent,
completely overwhelmed his
opponent, Clement Baskill (SPE). A
hard right to the jaw with 0:15
remaining in the second round
ended the match.

Bantamweight slugger Terry
Birkell (Sigma Nu) defeated Bob
Hill (PiKA) in the next
championship fight. Using his own
version of the Ali shuffle, Birkell
stalked his opponent setting him up
for several solid combinations of
punches. His unorthodox right lead
landed enough times in the third
round for the match to be called.

The next fight between Paul
Brun (Chi Psi) and Tom Neale
(Sigma Chi) didn't last the full time
either. Both boxers scored on hard
left jabs in the first round, but Brun
followed up with some bruising
rights to the head. As the result of
one of those blows Neale's nose
began to spurt blood, and that was
enough to call the fight in the third

In the 157-lb. championship
Dick Jordan (Phi Gam) used some
ferocious combinations to get
inside of John Cook (PiKA), who
feinted and countered well in the
first round. Jordan won by
unanimous decision to win the title
for the second straight year.

Zach Young (Zete)and Frank
Roda (Sigma Nu) stepped into the
ring for the next bout, and both
landed a lot of solid punches in the
first two rounds. The deciding
factor came in the last period when
Roda began to get his right inside
of Young; Roda won by a split

Pete Schmidt's 178-lb. fight
lasted only 30 seconds as the
returning champion opened with a
series of feints and then let loose
with a barrage of bone-crushing
combinations on his opponent Bill

The tournament appropriately
came to a climax with the
heavyweight championship fight in
which last year's champion, Gary
Saft (SPE) was upset by Gary
Helman. A split decision by the
judges gave the title to the more
aggressive first-yearman.