University of Virginia Library

Players Present Grievances Tonight

Sebo, FAC Hold Review
Of Revolt Against Gibson

caught them selling tickets for
prices in excess of the printed value
outside the Charlotte Coliseum.
They were released upon payment
of $25 fines.

Speculation as to the specific
nature of the complaints to be
voiced in tonight's meeting varied,
since the players have agreed not
not to make them public. They
were thought, however, to concern
Gibson's alleged inability to handle
the players.

Two team members who have
been quoted from statements made
in Charlotte Thursday night have
said that Gibson's methods have
caused a general breakdown in
team morale, to the point that

some players have lost their desire
to win, feeling that victories might
serve only to extend Coach Gibson's

Some of the specific complaints
which may be lodged have to do
with Mr. Gibson's policies toward
the granting of scholarships. Some
sources allege that he has promised
to grant them and then reneged on
his offers. One players has been
quoted to the effect that Gibson
ignored the results of balloting by
the players in naming the team

The petition was not thought to
request Mr. Gibson's dismissal from
his position as basketball coach,
probably because those in favor of
requesting it were unable to get the
team's unanimous approval.

The Athletic Department had no
official comment to make on the
matter, and a spokesman said that it would not have one until after
the meeting tonight.

Dr. L. Sterling Reid, Professor
of Psychology, and chairman of the
athletic advisory council, which
along with Mr. Sebo, will take
whatever action is deemed necessary
in the matter, said yesterday
that his group was, "interested in
getting the facts. We will draw no
conclusions until we have the hard
facts at hand. I think this is the case
with the entire committee." The
other faculty members of the
committee are D. Alan Williams,
Dean of Student Affairs, and John
McCoid, a professor in the Law

Coach Bill Gibson, when sought
for comment, was "in conference"
all afternoon, and could not be

Athletic Director Steve Sebo has
said that he will not be pressured in
the matter, and that he will attempt
to come to a fair conclusion, based
on his estimates of the arguments
presented by both sides in the

The past season, in which
Virginia recorded a 10-13 record
and finished sixth in the Atlantic
Coast Conference, was Mr. Gibson's
sixth at the University. Over those
years, he has compiled an aggregate
record of 50-97, and the ten wins
this season are the most gained by
any of his teams. The Cavaliers have
never finished in the first division
of the ACC under Gibson, and have
never won a single game in the
Atlantic Coast Conference tournament.

This year's team, after an
auspicious start, which included
wins over Duke and South Carolina
in the same week, suffered through
eight losses in its last nine games,
and finished the season with a
99-86 loss to Duke.