University of Virginia Library

Ruggers Prepare
For Richmond

Rugby begins Sunday at two
p.m. at Carr's Hill Field with a
strong Richmond Club providing
the opposition. The Virginia
ruggers, relying on experience and
an exceptionally quick scrum, are
shooting for an undefeated season.
Richmond, which finished a
surprising third, right behind
second place Virginia, in the
Commonwealth Cup last Spring is
always superbly conditioned led by
its captain and local bank
vice-president, "Steamboat" Porter.
The fact that Richmond boasts
several former Virginia Ruggers on
its roster usually marks the contest
as an exciting and hard hitting

The Club has high hopes for an
outstanding Spring season, The
Ruggers have depth and experience
at every position, and hopes to
avoid the crippling injuries to key
personnel that handicapped the
Club last fall when it compiled a
7-3 record. The team features a
relatively small but quick and
aggressive serum led by George
McCallum, upon which the team
relies to get the ball to its high
scoring backs Allie Duckworth,
Courtney Hoopes and Butch

The center of the scrum is the
two profs and Virginia boasts
several experienced ones, all about
six feet and weighing in the
neighborhood of 210 pounds.

Starting hooker, Carrall Ladt is
injured and former Oxford
University rugger David Percy is
still out with a broken ankle
sustained last fall, but Will O'Keefe
and Steve Balton are more than
capable replacements. The
experienced backs are McCallum
and former starter Dave Blumberg.
Wing forward is perhaps the
strongest and deepest position on
the team with the starters to be
selected from six year veteran Jay
Dalgleish, Vietnam veteran Terry
Daniels, former Norfolk rugger
John Pearson, burly Byron
Shansman and veteran Mike

The scrum half will be
outstanding first year-man, Marty
Millichap, backed by newcomer
Tommy Aurness. Kim Hopper, a
former regular and director of the
Experimental University is out with
a chronic shoulder injury. The
backs will be assistant professor
Duckworth, and the pair of bruising
200 pound runners, Dietler and