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Wahoo Matmen
Split Matches

By Tom Sansonetti
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Virginia's grapplers hit on the
front end of a one and one
situation, but missed on the second
this past weekend as they completely
their final two duel meets of
the season. Courageously punting
Midwinters Weekend and the Bacchanalian
times thereof, the squad
spent their Friday and Saturday
afternoons sweating on members of
the North Carolina and Virginia
Polytechnical Institute wrestling

The Tarheels bit the mat 28-5.
On Saturday Virginia did likewise,
23-6. The difference being three
key matches in each of the tight

John Pegues, Tom Moore, and
Ted Moore won the three against
UNC, but John Pitas, Pegues, and
Ted Moore dropped the three tilts
Saturday. Warren Clark remained
undefeated (5-0) in duel meets by
defeating Bob Crane of UNC 9-2
and Harry Hawthorne VPI 3-1.
Coach George Edwards is counting
heavily on a fine showing from his
123 pounder this coming weekend
in the ACC tournament.

John Pitas won big (10-2)
against UNC's Jim Kyle, but dropped
a 5-2 match to his Tech
opponent. At 137 John Pegues
pinned the Tarheel's Rick Dana for
some important points after 7:16
had elapsed. Ahead 5-2 at the time,
Pegues' move put the Cavaliers into
a commanding 11-0 position.
Unfortunately, Pegues lost 5-1 to
the Gobbler's Tim Reid. With a 6-1
overall record Pegues is another
grappler upon whom Mr. Edwards
is counting.

At 145 first year-man Chris
Moore had a rough weekend. He
was pinned at 6:50 by Keith Lyons
of UNC and was defeated 11-1 by
Terry Friede the next day. However,
with three years left in his
undergraduate wrestling career the
experience can be nothing but

Tom Moore, the squad's only
fourth year-man, defeated Jim
Stevenson, undefeated at the time,
by a 7-4 count in that he was able
to ride his man out over the last
two minutes. Moore won against
VPI also (4-1) to become along
with Clark one of the two Virginia
wrestlers to come back from down
the road with two scalps.

The ever-improving Jay Douglas
whupped UNC's Jim Zumwalt 6-1
for his second in a row before
losing 12-3 in Blacksburg. Pete
Faber dittoed Douglas' performance
with an 8-5 Carolina
victory and a 4-1 Gobbler loss.

Heavyweight Dick Opp won by
forfeit in Chapel Hill and dropped a
5-2 decision to VPI's Randy Herrell.
Virginia's JV team beat UNC's
jayvees 21-15 then lost to the Baby
Gobblers 18-14.

Coach Edwards hopes that his
charges will be in the thick of a
possible four way fight for second
place in the ACC this coming
weekend against Maryland. With the
Terrapins heavy favorites for the
top spot Virginia must defeat the
likes of Duke, N.C.State, and UNC
for the second position.