University of Virginia Library

SAC Blasts Student
Booing Of Scott

Dear Sir:

The University has long suffered from an undesirable
reputation as an inhospitable place for black students, and
particularly for black athletes. Such a reputation is reprehensible,
and regrettably, it is not undeserved.

This reputation is given special credence by the black
athletes. Last year in a series of articles on the Negro's place in
athletics, Sports Illustrated quoted one former Maryland
player to the effect that Virginia was the worst school in the
ACC with regards to the treatment of black athletes. It will be
very difficult to overcome the ill effects of such a reputation,
the basis for which is extremely repulsive.

We feel that the action of the student body at the recent
basketball game with North Carolina, particularly the treatment
accorded to Charlie Scott, only aggravates an already
reprehensible situation.

Throwing ice and booing not only makes playing conditions
hazardous for both teams and delays the game; such
actions illustrate poor sportsmanship and immaturity on the
part of their perpetrators. The fact that the booing was aimed
at a fine Negro athlete adds to the depravity of the incident,
and makes the recruitment of black athletes that much more
difficult for the Athletic Department.

It's about time that the students began to shoulder some of
the responsibility for the reputation of their University. Until
they do, the disgraceful racial atmosphere at Virginia will be
very difficult to improve.

The Student Athletic Council