University of Virginia Library


Purdue fielded a team of 84
players against the Cavaliers
Saturday. That is what you might
call depth.


The Boilermakers have always
been a top flight team. Under coach
Jack Mollenkopf, they have
finished in the first division of the
Big Ten in 10 of the last 11 seasons.


The Cavaliers opponent for next
week the Keydets of VMI, dropped
their opening contest to Vanderbilt
by a two touchdown margin. VMI
was plagued by a green defensive
backfield, and the lack of an
experienced quarterback.


Most ABC-TV stations will run a
season long program of college
football highlights entitled, "Of
Touchdowns and Men-College
Greats of '68." It will be telecast at
12 noon in the Virginia area.


College football drew over 26
million fans to the stadiums last
fall. Season ticket sales across the
nation have exceeded last year's
mark: looks like another record.


All candidates for the Varsity
Swimming Team should attend a
meeting tonight in the swimming
team locker room in Memorial
Gym. First-year men will meet with
Coach Law at 7 p.m.; all old
Varsity swimmers will meet at 8
