University of Virginia Library


Old Dominion relief pitcher Bob
Fender walked in the winning run
in the ninth inning yesterday, giving
Virginia a 2-1 victory. Geoff
Gordon pitched a five hitter, going
all the way for the victory. The
baseball team now stands at 8-10.

University law student Vinnie
Giles fired an even par 288 leading
all amateurs in the Masters
Golf Tournament this weekend
at Augusta, Georgia. The event
was won by Bob Goalby after
Roberto DeVicenzo was penalized
a stroke for signing an incorrect


The golf team's streak of four
victories was ended Friday by
Wake Forest in Winston-Salem.
The score was 16 1/2-4 1/2 with
the Deacons' Leonard Thompson
leading the scoring with a five under
66. Paul Samanchik and Jay Jennison
carded 72's for Virginia.


The undefeated Cavalier track
team takes on Wake Forest this
afternoon on Lambeth Field at
1:30. This will be the last home
meet of the spring for Virginia,
which has defeated Springfield, Old
Dominion and VMI.


North Carolina leads in the race
for the Carmichael Cup, emblematic
of all around sports supremacy
in the ACC. The Tar
Heels have 43 points, compared
to 42 for NC State and 40 1/2
for Maryland. Virginia is fifth
with 25 1/2. Points are awarded
for all sports, 8 going for first,
7 for second, etc.