University of Virginia Library

Two New Recruits
Sign With Wahoos

By Shady Glen
CD Stuff Writer

By two's and three's they come
in all the time. Yes, Virginia (there
is a Santa Claus) has signed four
more promising football stars of
the future to play before Wahoo

From the hollows of Pennsylvania
comes some kid with an unspellable
name. Not a tall boy-only
3′ 2″-Barney nevertheless
hits low, really hustles (for a
boy with legs only one-and-a-half
feet long), and always out thinks
his opponent-as do all good
Cavalier footballers. Barney will
enter the College if he can reach
the door handle.

Next from Zion's Cross Roads
Virginia, comes Homer Pidgeon.
Nicknamed "The Country Boy,"
Pidgeon was named to the All-Louisa
County Team, although he
lived in Albemarle (Louisa County
uncovered professionalism in its
ranks and discontinued football
last September, yet decided to continue
naming a team). Nevertheless
he has shown fine speed running
backwards, likes to hit (girls), and
won the wrestling championship
last year at the county fair-he beat
the biggest goat on riding time.
Pidgeon plans to enter the theology
school, but no one has yet told
him there is none here.

In Calvin Appleby, Virginia has
found a triple threat - one with
three legs! Coach Blackburn feels
that he will be a valuable addition
to the team if only because of his
versatility. Says the Coach, "Why
this way we will be able to have
permanent depth - for example,
when I put him in a game, I'll
have a good split end and half
of a flanker all at the same time."

Virginia has found another enthusiastic
gridder in Letz Winnagame.
Letz, short for Lettuce,
hails from the place post marked
on his last letter. He is currently
touring the country in avoidance
of the draft, but is now looking
for a nice 2-S deferment. To be
truthful he appears to be a long-shot,
for there is little information
about him, but Coach Blackburn
is willing to risk a scholarship on
General Hershey's comment: "We
admire his speed, but think he's
got a long way to go."



was the comment
from this competitor
after losing to grid prospect
Homer Pidgeon in a wrestling
match at the county fair.
Ears down in shame, the goat
of this match swears revenge
and hopes to get it two years
from now when he plans to
meet Pidgeon again-as the
opponents' mascot in the
Navy football game.