University of Virginia Library

IM Roundup

IM Playoffs Begin

In a day marked by extremely
close games, ATO, Phi Psi, Phi
Kap, and Zete emerged the victors
in Thursday's first round
playoff matches in High Point
League football.

The only game won by a decisive
score was the ATO-PiKA
contest. PiKA, which had to play
its third game in two days as a
result of the deadlock for second
place in Division C, was obviously
overwhelmed by ATO, which,
led by Art Kirk's three touchdowns,
convincingly defeated
PiKA 25-5. Much credit is due
PiKA for its great comeback
effort to gain the playoffs.

Behind 12-6 in the waning
minutes of the game, St. A scored
a safety and countered with a
quick touchdown to forge ahead
of Zete, only to lose the lead and
the game in the next-to-last play.

On a real razzle-dazzle play,
quarterback Charley Rullman instigated
a series of short passes,
the last of which wound up in
the arms of Tyler Harris standing
all alone the end zone. This last
effort gave Zete an 18-14 victory.

Phi Kap eked out a 7-6 overtime
victory over Pi Kap in a real
defensive battle. Billy Preston and
Mike ewning, season-long
stellar performers for Phi Kap and
PiKap respectively, scored their
teams' lone TD's to produce
the 6-6 tie at the end of the game.