University of Virginia Library

Caruso Instills Pride, Spirit

By Ted McKean

What are the components of a
successful athletic team here at the
University? Wrestling coach Mike
Caruso states simply that a winner
must be well conditioned, both
mentally and physically.

After speaking with Caruso, you
would agree with him, but with
one further stipulation. A winner
will also find a dynamic, dominating,
thoroughly-respected leader
as its coach. The three-time NCAA
champ and all-time great Caruso
surely fits this demanding bill.

In three short weeks, this confident
man has lit a bonfire under
the traditionally-mediocre wrestling
squad he inherited.

Unquestionably, Caruso had injected
his own great desire to win
into his team. Why, one might ask,
did he come to the University
when he received offers from so
many good wrestling schools in
the East?

Caruso frankly responds, "Virginia's
wrestling team was really
lowly. The head coaching job
offered me a real challenge. There's
a chance to take this team to the
top of the conference."

Caruso has started his revitalization
of the wrestling program
with what he terms "a complete,
radical overhaul from top to bottom."
His team now trains on the
same workout schedule as Lehigh's.

Unquestionably the man sweats
confidence. Yet every member of
the team has been affected by
Caruso's attitude. The muscular
mite tells everyone who will
listen, "There will not be a losing
team—this is my goal."

He may have trouble achieving
this goal, however, with the likes
of formidable squads like V.P.I.
and Maryland on the schedule.
Caruso remains undaunted, "WE
will be better trained and better
conditioned than any opponent.
Any team that beats us will have
to be better all around."

What was the attitude of
the team he inherited at the season's
offset? "Terrible at first, now
greatly changed. The apathetic attitude
toward winning is going
out. Fifty boys came out originally;
there are now twenty-three who are
willing to work."

Dave Mucka, two time All-American
from Moravian College
has come to the University as
Caruso's assistant coach. He
turned down the head coaching job
at the University of Chattanooga
to work under Caruso. Mucka
handles the heavyweights, while
another outstanding wrestler from
Moravian, Bernie Hart, works with
the lightweights. Both men knew
Caruso at Lehigh..

Talk to a wrestler. Talk to
Caruso. EVEN take in a workout
(only fr o the sidelines if you're
smart). This is the new spirit of
Virginia athletics.