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Cavayearlings Top
Spirited VMI Rats
In Scoring Splurge

By Bob Cullen

Utilizing the varsity credo of a
hard hitting, determined ground
attack, Coach Jim Alderman's
Cavayearlings routed VMI's Rats
by a score of 41-21 here Friday

The yearling attack was led by
Clinch Heyward, a 174 pound
halfback from Columbia, South
Carolina, who gained over 200
yards in his afternoon's work,
putting on a display reminiscent
of Frank Quayle in last year's
Maryland game.

Big Drive

The Cavayearlings drew first
blood, marching 80 yards in 13
plays, all of them on the ground.
The big play was quarterback Bill
Kettunen's pitch to Heyward who
rolled for 39 yards around left
end to the VMI 8. Three plays
later Kettunen kept around the
same end to score from 3 yards
out. Jim Carrington converted.

With the score 7-0 against him,
Rat QB Murphy Sprinkle took to
the air and moved his team down
to the Virginia 27. At this point
the Yearlings' left linebacker Ed
Kihm anticipated a pass, dropped
back into the flat, and picked off
Sprinkle's next pass at the 18.
He returned it 82 yards for the
TD with 12:25 left in the second
quarter. Carrington again converted
and the score was 14-0.

The Rats quickly proved that
they were still in the game. They
took the ensuing kickoff and
marched to the Virginia 35 where
they were denied a first down by
just a half-yard, but when their
aroused defense forced the Wahoos'
Hunter Richards to punt,
they were not to be denied again.

VMI Moves

Sprinkle's passes began to click
and the Rats moved in for a quick
score. VMI coach Dick Braine's
man-in-motion offense befuddled
the Yearling cornerbacks. Typical
of the series was the scoring play
in which halfback Tom Sowers
went in motion to the right, took
a Sprinkle pass, and went in untouched
for the score.

The Cavayearlings failed to
move the ball again and Hunter
Richards punted to the Rat 41.
Sprinkle moved his team down for
their second score of the period,
the chief weapons on this drive
being passes to Paul Fraim off the
same man-in-motion formation.
The score came on a four-yard
flip to his fullback, who converted
with 52 seconds left in the half,
tying the score.

Tide Turns

During the intermission Coach
Alderman got together with varsity
defensive expert Don Lawrence
and solved the VMI offense. He
also decided to leave the bulk of
the attack in the hands of Heyward,
and he proved more than
equal to the task.

The first score of the second
half came by way of a 72-yard
punt return by Terry Bell, who
was sprung by a sensational Bub
Shreave block.

After that it was all Heyward,
grinding out yardage and time, and
setting up the final three scores
by Andy Selfridge, Bill Shamel,
and Jim Carrington, the last on a
Kettunen pass.


Photo By Gill

First-Year Star Clinch Heyward Sprints Through VMI's Rat Line

Heyward Rolled Up More Than 200 Yards Rushing As The Yearlings Won 41-21