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Cavayearlings Beat
Outclassed Hokies;
Quarterback Stars

By Sandy Prater

Bill Kettunen, called by Coach
Jim Alderman "one of the best
drop-back passers I've ever
seen," guided the first year football
squad to a 24-0 victory over
the freshman team of VPI Friday.
He passed for 205 yards, connecting
on 15 of 25 attempts, while
tossing one aerial for a touchdown.

Kettunen Passes

The first quarter was scoreless
as neither team was able to muster
an effective drive. Then, with six
minutes remaining in the first half,
the poised sharpshooter from East-lake,
Ohio threw a 53 yard scoring
strike to flanker Jim Carrington
to open up the scoring.

Bell Scores

In the third period, the Cavayearlings
capitalized on a fumble
recovery by linebacker Charlie
Blanford on the VPI 11 yard-line,
and notched their second
score, with halfback Terry ell
going over from the six.

In the same period, Carrington
upped the score to 17-0, as he
booted a 29 yard field goal. In
the final period, Clinch Heyward
capped a 58-yard drive, as he bulled
over from the one for the final
Virginia score.

In all, the Virginia offense accumulated
379 yards, with 231 by
air and 148 rushing. The passing
of Kettunen was ably complemented
by the hard running of
halfback Bell, whose 21 carries
netted 78 yards, most of them
coming in the first half.

Strong Defense

But it was the Cavayearlings'
defensive unit that proved to be the
undoing of VPI. Led by Blandford,
Bob Bressan, and Dave
Gruber, the Virginia defenders
harassed the VPI quarterbacks so
incessantly that the rushing offense
of the Gobblets "produced" a
total of -40 yards, while three
cant passes were picked off by
the Virginia defensive halfbacks.

UNC Next

The Cavayearlings, with a record
of 1-0, next face the freshman
squad of UNC 2:00 Friday
at Scott Stadium. The baby Tarheels
play an elementary part in
Carolina Coach Bill Dooley's rebuilding