University of Virginia Library

State Championship

Madison Squelches Cav Title Hopes


Two goals that didn't count
were the difference yesterday
as the Cavaliers bowed to
Madison College, 1-0, in the
state soccer championship
game played yesterday on the
new soccer field.

Madison won the game
when, with 13:31 remaining in
the second half, forward Bob
McCartle headed a corner kick
into the upper right corner of
the Virginia net, just over the
outstretched hands of Cav
goalie Scott Peyton.

Corner Kick Decisive

Wayne Fedorowitz made the
corner kick, which came from
the left side and was nearly
perfect, slicing in towards the
goal and right McCardle slipped
by Phil Russell and headed the
ball upwards and out of
Peyton's reach.

Virginia mounted a furious
comeback and had apparently
tied the score when a goal
resulting from a penalty kick
was disallowed. It seems that
the Cavs and kicker Jay
Meaney had begun the play
before the referee's whistle
and while an injured Cavalier
was being assisted from the

Goal Disallowed

As if that wasn't bad
enough, a last-minute
pseudo-goal by the Cavs was
similarly declared illegal when
one of a crowd of Wahoos in
front of the goal was ruled by
the officials to have pushed
Madison goalie Al Mayer into
the net.

Two other good Virginia
scoring chances also went for
naught in the second period as
forward Meaney fanned on a
rolling ball about 15 feet in
front of Mayer and then on the
play preceding the last
nullified goal, when a Meaney
shot was deflected and just
missed going in, striking the
post in the lower left corner.

Zone Has First Half Edge

In the first half the teams
played to a scoreless standstill,
the men from the Zone
generally conceded a slight
edge in play but Virginia
getting the best scoring chance,
a shot that bounced off the
right corner of the goal frame.

Virginia outshot the Zonies,
28-16, with Mayer, a definite
All-America candidate this
year, making 11 saves to
Peyton's 6.

Second Championship Loss

It also marked the second
straight loss for the Cavs in a
state championship game,
Lynchburg having beaten them
2-1 in two overtimes last year.

Played in 40 degree
temperatures, the game was
dominated by an extremely
fast pace and several attempts
at breakaways. The Virginia
offense was bothered
throughout the contest by the
aggressive pressure tactics of
the Madison defense.

Generally, the offensive tone
of the game had Virginia
playing a patient attack, trying
to move the ball upfield with
short passes and Madison
relying more on quick-strike
tactics. Once getting the ball in
our end, the Zonies did a fair
job of holding it there, but our
defense had remained solid
until the well-executed winning


Cavalier Soccer Team Dropped 1-0 Decision To Madison In State Championship Game Yesterday