University of Virginia Library

Incurs Injury

Merritt's Performance Rates Honor


Before a shoulder injury
called a halt to his activities in
the Vandert game on
Saturday night. Cavalier
lback Kent Merritt had
scampered for 115 yards on 23
carries and had enated all
other serious contenders for
Cavalier Daily Player of the
Week honors

Merritt injured his right
shoulder on his last carry
dway through the fourth
period and, while he returned
to the game for one play a few
seconds later, never again
gred in the av oltense

Doubtful Starter

According to an Athletic
Department spokesman, Kent
is "very doubtful" for
Saturday's S Stadium oil
against VML His space in the
starting lineup will probably be
taken by the very capable John
"Raindrop" Ramey

Against Vandy, Merritt
suffered through a mediocre
first half as running room was
scarce along the line of
scrimmage Kent's mates on
the offensive line came through
a mediocre first half as running
room was scarce along the line
of scrimmage. Kent's mates on
the offensive line came through
in the second half, however,
and were able to open holes
more than large enough for the
Wahoo speedster to break

No Long Gains

While he didn't crack
through for any really long
gainers, Kent seemed to be able
to pick up live or six yards
every time he touched the ball.
Employed almost strictly on
off-tackle slants, counter plays
and sweeps, Merritt left the
Dudley Field crowd of 17,903
quite impressed.

On the season Merritt has
rushed 88 times for 378 yards,
an average of 4.3 yards per
carry. He averaged 4.5 yards
per attempt last year when he

led the Wahoos in rushing as a
second-year man

Merritt had never failed to
lead his team in rushing, this
goes back to his first-year days,
and, also as a first-year man, he
won the ACC 100 dash

This spring in the ACC track
meet Kent blazed to victories
in the 100 and 220 dashes and
was selected Most Valuable
Performer at the meet.