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A very fine gentleman in the Department
of Buildings and Grounds has relayed to us a
problem which is rather unpleasant to discuss
(so we will spare the details) but which we
should help him eliminate. It has to do with
the unavoidable call of nature which dogs
must answer at regular intervals regardless of
where they are.

Now you will recall, of course, that at the
beginning of the Board of Visitors' canine
capers, we poked fun at their desire to leash
up the mutts, pointing out how good it is to
see the rascals enjoying the pleasure of the
good life on the Lawn. However, enough is
enough, and classrooms are absolutely
off-limits to four-legged creatures.

The employees at B & G, who have more
than their share of hard, unpleasant, and
underpaid work to do as it is, are
understandably sick of cleaning up after the
pets of students who are either too stupid or
too inconsiderate to keep their sidekicks
outside. It is not, we hasten to say, Fido's
fault. He must do what he must do. But we
promise that we will encourage the leashing of
dogs altogether if their freedom continues to
require B & G people to clean up their

We are libertarian at heart...but, by God, if
the mutt's masters' do not keep them outside,
the police will lock them up in cages. Then
there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth;
and the dog owners will have only themselves
to blame.