University of Virginia Library


in your lifetime is that of a
principled and purposeful
people who care very much
about doing the very best
for—and with— your

"Don't despair of
America," she concluded.
"Rejoice in your hearts that it
is yours to work with and work
for for the rest of your lives."

About 15,000 people
attended commencement
ceremonies, at which the
University awarded a record
number of degrees to
graduating students, including
1,439 undergraduate degrees.

The undergraduate total
includes 880 bachelor of arts
and bachelor of science degrees
awarded by the College, the
largest of the University's 10

The law school awarded a
total of 309 degrees; the
medical school awarded 87 MD
degrees, and the graduate
school of business
administration awarded 125

A total of 102 doctoral
degrees was awarded in schools
throughout the University,
including 62 Ph.D.'s from the
graduate school of arts and
sciences, and 26 Ed.D. degrees
from the education school.

The number of degrees
awarded was an increase over
the 2,397 degrees awarded by
the University at finals
exercises a year ago.