University of Virginia Library


Not a word was said to the University
community about the change in ticket
distribution times yesterday, and those who
took the Athletic Department at its word
were misled. It has been standing policy to
distribute basketball tickets at 2 p.m., and,
because no one said anything to the contrary,
many people intended to pick up their tickets
at that time yesterday.

It seems that Coach Bill "Hoot" Gibson
decided to hold a closed practice yesterday
afternoon, though, and therefore wanted
University Hall cleared. So the ticket vendors
started vending during the morning, and the 2
p.m. arrivals were not pleased with the seats
they obtained.

It was a minor inconvenience, but one
which could easily have been foreseen and
avoided. If Mr. Gibson found it necessary to
hold a closed practice, it is certainly
conceivable that he could have made sure that
the press was given notice so that the time
change could have been made known to the
public. As it was, the Athletic Department
showed little concern for the convenience of
the public, and should make efforts to avoid
such SNAFU'S in the future.