University of Virginia Library

Turkey Finds True Love
In Nichols' 'Knowledge'

Mike Nichols, who gave us The Graduate, also directed Carnal
presented tonight and tomorrow night by the
University Union Film Series. Jack Nicholson, who proved
himself in Five Easy Pieces to be one of the best American actors
since Brando, plays The Stud That Failed, while Art Garfunkel,
amply be-mopped "frightened gazelle" of Simon-And–fame,
plays one of the more unsympathetic Turkeys ever to grace the
American screen.

As the curtain rises, the two are roommates at Amherst during
the 40's (Glen Miller and blah blah blah), and both of them are
after the favors of Candice Bergen("Miss Mind, 1944")– a not
unintelligent move. Miss Bergen, of course, plays her usual
Cornely Young Thing, but it is Ann-Margret who provides the
bulk of the feminine pulchritude for most of the remainder of the
film, proving once again that a prodigious pair of knockers never
kept a good girl down.

Ann tries valiantly–winding up with an Oscar nomination for
her efforts– but Jack just can't seem to get it up anymore, and
by the end of the film we find the poor boy resorting to rather
extraordinary measures...while the Turkey finds True Love in the
arms of a twelve-year-old hippie, or something like that...And all
will thrill to see Mike Nichols' lovingly doting camera once again
pose the question: "What Has America Lost?" –or, to put it
more precisely: "What, In Fact, Did We Ever Think We Had To
Lose In The First Place?"

It's a swell film.

(This film will be shown in Wilson Hall Auditorium tonight
and tomorrow night at 5:30, 8, and 10:30. Admission is 75