University of Virginia Library

Up To Us

It became increasingly apparent during
semester break–with an astounding victory
over North Carolina and an appalling loss to
Clemson–that as goes the psychological
momentum of Bill Gibson's hardcourt boys,
so goes their won-lost record. At Chapel Hill,
they "put it together" (to use the Hoot's
terminology) in a big way and proved what
heights they are capable of scaling. At
Clemson, they fell apart again and proved
what depths they are capable of sinking to.
Mercurial is the word.

The important thing, however, is that now
we know the potential for excellence really
does exist within the team and is not
something we have to wait a year to see come
to fruition. But this recognition places a
burden on the shoulders of Cavalier basketball
fans–an obligation to help establish and
maintain a spirit–the right kind of spirit–that
keeps the team "psyched up" and winning.

Cibson has indicated before how
important it is that fans be at University Hall
when the team first comes out for practice
about thirty-five minutes before game time.
So those of you who call yourselves "fans"
and never hesitate to berate the team after a
loss, how about showing up early from now
on in the belief that your enthusiasm may
make a difference?

And how about thinking twice before
making an obscene ass out of yourself when
things don't go exactly as you'd like. Hurling
expletives at officials, throwing projectiles on
the court, and booing opposing players hurt
our cause instead of help it. We need not
suppress our emotions–far from it–but
merely balance them with a little good
judgment and common courtesy so as to
avoid a repetition of the bad sportsmanship
which surfaced at the North Carolina State
game on Jan. 6. If the players can control
themselves in the midst of the action, surely
we, as observers, can do likewise.

True, the fate of the team rests primarily
upon a handful of people, but the confidence,
determination, and pride which we can help
instill in this select few is a contribution
which any player or coach would tell you is
invaluable. In that respect, it's up to us–all of
us–to provide the best atmosphere for
Hooter's Heroes to try to conquer the world
in; something more even than ACC