University of Virginia Library

Al Fine

This is our farewell paragraph for the
summer, so in it we would like to convey our
best wishes for a happy and comfortable
autumn to all the University's festival
population. Then, to the high school teachers
working forlornly on M. Ed. theses, to the
louse-infested freaks on the Corner, to the
Realtors on convention in Newcomb Hall, to
the Guru Maharaj Ji dervishes, to the high
school tour groups, to the long-suffering souls
at Student Information, to the jocks trying to
pass French 5R without forgetting their
English in the process, to all the Deans and
their assistants, to the glassblowers for the
Chemistry Department, to the fat harridans in
Barracks Road lunch counters, to the patient
University Guides, to the Admissions workers
who must sift through those thousands of
applications, to the yokels in from the hills
for their monthly spree at the picture shows,
to Security, to the zealot who slapped "One
Way" stickers on all those doors and
windows, to the grad students gathering fishes
or beetles for ecology research, to that
damned giggling professor who knows every
cliche and platitude in the language and uses
them all in lectures, to the programmers in
that cavern under Garrett Hall, to the staff of
Newcomb Hall bookstore, and to a hundred
other groups we have no room to mention –
to all of them, Auf Wiedersehen for now and
good luck in the months ahead.