University of Virginia Library


The Virginia Players Summer
Comedy Festival swings into it
second production of th
season with Neil Simon's
Barefoot In The Park. The
season opened with a sellout
production of Play It Again.
Sam, by Woody Allen

Barefoot, directed by Ray
Royce, will be performed in
Minor Hall's "Little Theatre"
July 24 thru 28.

The Neil Simon comedy,
written in 1963, depicts the
comic situation of two young
newlyweds moving into an
aging Manhattan apartment.
The original Broadway
production was directed by
Mike Nichols and introduced
Robert Redford. The
successful movie version that
followed starred Redford and
Jane Fonda.

The Virginia Players
production features Mick
Tinder and Mary T. Moore as
the newlyweds, Paul and Corie
Bratter. They are supported by
Debbie Cupp as Corie's mother
and Bill Castro in the role of
Victor Velasco, the curious
man who lives upstairs.

Tickets can be purchased at
the Minor Hall box office
weekdays between two and
five P.M. or can be reserved by
calling 924-3051. All seats are
reserved for $2.50, and special
student rates are in effect
Tuesday and Wednesday at
$1.50. The curtain goes up at
8.00 P.M.