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It is lamentable that worthwhile speakers
cannot be sponsored by the University Union
without an exorbitant outlay by already
hard-pressed students. Tonight, for example,
the words of psychiatrist R. D. Laing will sell
at $2.00 for the bundle, and Monday night
Congressman Ronald Dellums will treat his
audience to $1.50 worth of oratory. But the
Union can certainly bear no part of the
blame, and should in fact be commended for
luring such speakers here at a loss. Yes; at a
loss: for the ticket price covers merely the
basic speaking fee. Both booked through
agencies, Mr. Dellums charges an impressive
$1,500 for his engagement and Dr. Laing
requests a nice round $2,000.

Even if the 1,000-seat Cabell Hall
auditorium is filled, the Union will only break
even on the speaking fees. But it also has to
fork out their travel expenses, and if both
speeches sell out, it will lose $200 on Mr.
Dellums and $300 on Dr. Laing.

Cries of "Overpricing" would be more
aptly directed at the speakers than at the
long-suffering Union. The University benefits
by a wealth of outside inspiration, and a
premature slashing of ticket prices could
make us financially richer, but leave us
intellectually in rags.