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A Service To The Community?
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Letters To The Editor

A Service To The Community?

Dear Sir:

It is interesting to note the
publicity the University
Registrar gives the new
swimming pool facility as a
service to the community. Last
Sunday I attempted to take my
family swimming and was not
allowed to enter. The guard at
the door informed me that
family swimming was allowed
only on Thursdays between
8:00 and 10:00 p.m. On school
nights my kids go to bed at
8:30 so this rule eliminates my
family altogether. In addition,
I am sure the rule eliminates
some members of the faculty
and staff who have Thursdays
already committed.

Is it unreasonable to request
that a few hours be made
available for family swimming
on weekends? If not, I suggest
that the Department of
Athletics not advertise its new
possession as a service to the

Glenn Stoner

An Offer

Dear Sir:

In answer to the new
basketball ticket distribution
plan, I would like to offer a
plan which I feel will alleviate
most of the problems facing us
now. We blamed the Athletic
Department's unequal
distribution of alumni and
student tickets for the shortage
of student tickets, last year.
Other students complained of
paying a student fee, part of
which goes to the Athletic
Department, even though they
didn't want to see the
basketball games. The Athletic
Department does need the
revenue from the alumni to
fund the basketball team, and
the alumni are not going to
give money to a team which
they can't go and watch.

I suggest that each student
be given an opportunity to buy
a season ticket for all the home
basketball games before the
school year begins. Students
could be notified during the
summer and a deadline set for
response. The reason for the
deadline date would be the
Athletic Department enough
time to determine the amount
of seats available for alumni
and sell them. The extra seats,
if any, would be used for date
and single game student

That part of the student fee
going to basketball should be
removed. The money lost by
the removal of the student fee
for basketball and by the
possible loss of some alumni
seats would be made up by
charging a reasonable fee,
determined by the Athletic
Department, for the student
season ticket.

The student season tickets
would be general admission,
assuring the student
admittance to a reserved
student section, upon
presentation of the ticket and
student identification card, set
up with the predetermined
number of seats. The students
would be able to sit anywhere
in this section as they came in
for each game, giving good
seats to those fans ambitions
enough to come early.

Ken Hartman
Engr. 2


Dear Sir:

I wish to make issue of a
situation that exists at U.Va. of
which many students are
aware, but as to my
knowledge, have done nothing
about. That situation arises
with- the unexplainable
inefficiency of the mail service
at the University.

The mail delay is
intolerable. A normal delay of
one or two days is required to
have a letter mailed in-state.
Here the delay ranges up to
five days – out-of-state mail –

Granted, the magnitude of
the mail handled in
Charlottesville is large, but the
blame for the unusual delay
must be placed somewhere –
either on the Charlottesville
postal service itself or the
distribution centers here at the

The old cry of "The mail
must get through" certainly
does not ring true at U.Va.

David Johnson
College 1


Dear Sir:

As a first year man, I am
very disappointed with one of