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The Unpaving
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The Unpaving

Well, we're half-way there. Yesterday, the
University Committee on Traffic and Parking,
in response to recent efforts by students and
faculty to 'green over' the amphitheater,
voted to recommend to President Shannon
that parking be removed from that area next
year. Through the ceaseless and determined
day-long and late night efforts over the past
few weeks of Traffic and Parking Committee
member Lynn Ivey, Student Council
members Mark Vorder Bruegge,Greg Luce
and Sam Brown, University Union
representative Andy Canfield and the
persuasive voice of Political Theory Prof.
Dante Germino at Tuesday's "green-in," the
impossible has been nearly accomplished.
President Shannon, the reasonably good sport
that he is, we are certain, will enthusiastically
rubberstamp his committee's sensible

After all, Mr. Shannon, the amphitheater
is an excellent forum for reading Tennyson to
your classes, don't you think?