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Letters To The Editor

Two Sides Of Jail: Hell Or Home?

'Death Only Escape'

(The following letter was
submitted by an inmate being
held for trial in the city jail on
the charge of murder. It was in
no way solicited. –Ed.)

To this date I have been
locked in the city jail for five
months, in the juvenile section.
During this time I have seen
sights that would sicken most
average men. Before I describe
these scenes I will try to
explain why the inmates would
rather prefer death to extended
sentences in jail.

At least one out of the
three meals is not edible. When
the meal is edible you're too
cold to enjoy it. Even our
"respected" jailers admit that
it is cold.

We are allowed out of our
cells twice a week; this is in
order to take a shower, which
has only cold water. After the
shower we are granted the
honor of being able to shave, if
you don't mind shaving
without a mirror.

You would probably think
after the civil war black people
were equal; not so in our jail
where we are supposed to be
learning to respect "law and
order". When the state official
did come he was surrounded
by the jailers. Things got back
to "normal" when he left.

How many people do you
know who have to wake up
with a cock roach greeting
"Good morning?" Or before
you go to sleep hearing drunks
scream at you?

I have seen two young boys
try at least five times to end
their life. Their first attempt
led only to a day and night in
the dry cell. Both boys had
drank varnish and cut their
wrists; neither were given
medical attention.

One night a boy lit a fire,
the jail became unbearably
smoky, the jailers came up
three hours later to open the
windows. That night even I
wished I was dead. There are
many other incidents I could
bring up, but I think you have
a little more insight to the jail
scene and have made my point.

The protest we did have
was far from effective. The
only way the jail will change is
when the public wants it

The only small satisfaction
we get is from the O.A.R.!
While the rest of the city
ignores us or considers us a
blight against them we will
always be treated like animals.
How is an inmate supposed to
rejoin society when it treats
him as sub-humans.

The sheriff said he would
eat his meals at the jail. This
wouldn't be wise for we might
lose him after a few meals. I
have only seen Sheriff Pace
two times in five months.

To end this letter I can only
ask is "Death the only
escape?" Everyone living on
the outside is responsible for
the answer to this question.

R.J. Greenfield